Medical room

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I slowly opened my eyes to reveal a few team members hovering over my body.
"She is living!" Hiyaka's loud voice rang in my ears. She was crouching down next to me, her hand placed gently on my glistening forehead. On the other side was an extremely worried Reta, whose frown immediately turned upside down when she saw me looking at her. Then, directly above my own head, was Asahi. When I noticed his presence, I laughed. He looked like the sun.

"I'll take her to the infirmary." He boldly stated. He stood up and went in front of me, suddenly putting his hand out for me to grab. Carefully, he helped me to my feet, not ignoring the trouble I was having with my balance.
"Are you okay? You seem dizzy."
I mumbled, "I'm okay, thanks..."
I felt his arm wrap around mine in an attempt to support me on my feet. I didn't reject him, because it was actually helping.

I turn my head to my team, and show them a thumbs up. They cheered in response, and their confidence got rid of my doubts I was having for my team.

It was silent on our way to the infirmary. Well, it's not like I'm going to be able to start up a conversation straight after being knocked out by a ball. But this silence was quite awkward.
Hesitantly, Asahi asked "Does it hurt any where specific?"
It did. My nose was in a lot of pain. I told him that, and he bowed his head down so he could get a proper look at my face.
"Oh crap." He gasped.
"You're bleeding."

Before I could reassure him that it's not a big deal, he ordered me to get onto his back so that we could get there quicker. I obeyed, and we, actually, he set off running for the infirmary.

We arrived quite quickly, and after being treated I lay down in the bed with Asahi voluntarily sitting by my side. Once again, it was silent. I had nothing to say, so why speak? I sat comfortably, twiddling with my small fingers. I was interrupted by an apology.

"I'm extremely sorry for what happened back there. I promise I had no intention to hurt you, it's just that my aim was a little off and-"
"It's fine. I'm okay now, me getting hit in the face with a ball isn't the end of the world. My nose isn't broken. I don't have brain damage. I am still a healthy human being. Don't worry too much." I looked up from my lap into his eyes with a reassuring smile.

That smile soon turned into an evil smirk.

"But there is one way you could make it up to me."
His eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "How?"
"If you let my team win."
I knew that he wasn't going to agree. It's okay, neither would I. I really was just joking.
There it is. Very predictable.
"I'm jok-"
"If you win, then it's okay between us. But if you lose, then I will have to do something to make it up to you. How about that? It's basically the same as your suggestion, but just without me letting my team down."
I did not see that coming.
"Really?" I was thinking of all the things I could get him to do. He could do my chores, take me shopping, get me food. Oh god, free food. Yes please.
"Yeah, I'm being serious. You up for it?"
This is an opportunity I can't miss. "Hell yeah. But that doesn't mean that I'm going to stop trying to win."
He chuckled, "I know."
Our conversation was interrupted as the nurse came to check up on me, only to find that i was doing just fine. My nosebleed had stopped, and my pain was just about gone.
"You look like you're ready to get back into the game."

I looked at Asahi, he looked at me.

"Hell yeah, i'm ready."

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