The final

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The ball invades the other side, and plummets into the ground like a merciless meteor. They won. Their score, only being 2 points ahead at 32:30, is something they will never forget. The best memory to have, victory on the last game they will participate in at a school festival, belongs to the person who thinks they worked the hardest for it. It was like a battle, getting the honour to be the winner of a sport that is literally meant to just be a game.

I won. I would be humble and say i can't believe it, but to be fair, me and my beloved teammates tried our very bests, and it paid of. So, i can believe it. It's just a shame that that boy... Asahi? Won't have to pay me back for hitting me in the nose. Nonetheless, it was totally worth it. This has made my year. If I ever feel down, all i will have to do is glance at the medal that i'm about to receive and which will also be hanging proudly on my bedroom wall. If i just looked at it for a second, I would never feel a pinch of sadness ever again, for as long as i have that medal.
The sound of moving metal echoes in the sports hall as everyone helps to put the equipment away. Small conversations seem like whispers compared to the bouncing of the volleyballs, the clanging of the tall metal poles, the shuffling of the volleyball net being carefully rolled up, and the pitter patter of the rain on the roof. I had done my part, and it was getting late. I go to take my leave with, by the way, the medal hanging around my neck, when something catches my eye.

I spot a familiar sweater crumpled up on one of the long benches near the door. I flash back to when Asahi realised that my team wasn't just a bunch of people who did things just because he had to. This was when he removed his sweater, like some sort of rich model.

He must have left here accidentally. It's already 6:37pm, and most students have left the school building and gone home. So, I decide to be nice and take it home so it doesn't get lost some where in the hall. I'll give it to him tomorrow.
Paranoid students scattered the the hallways like little pests at the sound of the bell ringing. As a small person, i find it difficult to keep my balance in the midst of all the shoving and pushing. But i know that if i dare let myself fall, i'm done for.

Maths went by quickly, yet again i didn't listen. I can't be bothered to. I always tell myself that i can just study it at home, which is just a lie i tell myself daily so that i don't feel bad about not paying attention.

Now that class is up, it's time to give Asahi his sweater back.

I make my way through the slightly less crowded hallways down to class 3. Due to his largely built body, i spot him sitting down immediately. Since he's usually wearing the sweater that i have in my hand, he looked extremely different without it, since it's a rare sight to see him not wearing it. As i got closer, i figured that the reason to his sulky face is the absence of his sweater.

"Excuse me, Asahi? Is this yours?"

He wips his head around, his bun jiggling at the back of his head, and hes eyes lock onto the item of clothing draping over my arm.
"Y-Yes, it is! Where did you find it?" He asked me, gently taking the sweater from my arms.
"I found it in the sports hall whilst we were tidying up. I decided to take it home an wash it, since, ya know, i'm such a nice person."
He paused in the middle of putting his dearly missed sweater on.
"...You washed it?"
I stuttered, feeling as if he saw right through me, "Well, actually, my mum washed it because i just threw it in with the rest of my dirty clothes. Why, have i done something wrong?"
He swayed his hand back and forth in the air with a small smile on his face, "No, of course not. In fact, i'm very grateful. It's just, now i owe you something, even though the deal was that if you win, i get let off."
I stifled a laugh at this logic, "Who said you owe me anything?"
"I did. It's so kind of you to take my sweater home so that it doesn't get lost, but to wash it? I'm so happy. I think that if i just say thank you and do nothing else, i'll feel guilty. So tell me what you want me to do, and i'll do it."
"But if you just carelessly offer yourself-"
"It's to show my thanks and appreciation." he interrupted.
"Yeah but-"
"Please, i can't be bothered to feel guilty. I'll even give you some time to think about it."
I hesitated, debating if i should allow this to happen or not. Is it the right thing to do? It's like i'm making him my maid. Well, i mean, i don't like feeling guilty either, so i wouldn't want to put him through that feeling...

"I can choose anything?" I ask, lifting a brow.


mmmwowie its been so long since the last chapter but 200 views!! thank you so much for reading my story, i hope its good enough 😁 but ya peace 🤘🏼

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