the t e n t h letter

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Dear Hunter,

We decided to get the project done as soon as we could so that we didn't have to keep bothering one another. I didn't want to do that, but eventually I gave in to your reasoning and the project was ready to hand in a week before it was due.

When we handed it in early the following morning, Mr Barnes, the Chemistry teacher — do you remember him?, took you out of detention for what you and your friends did to the headmistress' car the day before.

When we got out of the lab, you hugged me. It was only brief, barely long enough for me to hold onto you, but inside I exploded with happiness. We had only known each other for a week, but I felt I had gotten to know you more than I had anyone else in such a short space of time.

You thanked me, even though I couldn't really see why. We had worked on the project together, so it was a paired effort. So I thanked you back, and then you asked me to sit with you and your friends at lunch, with the context that you had already explained the circumstances to them. Blinded by joy and not caring about the others that would be there who would inevitably pick on me, I accepted.

My anticipations were, partially, untrue, as nobody said a word to me as I perched on the edge of my seat, unsure whether I should stay or stand up and leave. I ate nothing at all, and felt totally out of place.

But somehow, I didn't really mind.

All my love, always,

Twenty-Eight Stamps [#Wattys2017] || ✓Where stories live. Discover now