Sept 1969 ( chapter 1)

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The school bells rang through out the halls, children rushing to get to there classes, Jenna  found her way to her English class, scanning the number next to the door.

"...Yep, this is it." she quietly told herself.

Walking into the room the wood floors creaking from underneath her gently, as she made her way to the first seat in the front of the room, and quietly seating herself  in the small desk closest to the door. Jenna didn't talk to anyone she was usually a loner, and never really had friends. Actually she didn't she preferred it that way to be honest. Girls thought she was odd, and boys stayed away from her. But nobody could deny the fact that she was absolutely stunning, her green emerald eyes, had so much mystery and passion hidden in them, that they could intrigue anyone. Her wavy long auburn hair was tied up into a ponytail, and a few small hairs cascaded from in front of her ears, framing her thin face. The eighteen year old sat silently while the other girls whispered about the new English teacher; his name was 'Mr. McCartney'.

A tall dark haired man about  5'11 walked into the classroom, he closed the door behind him with a gentle slam, and set his leather briefcase behind his desk, he smiled at his students scanning the room, the girls gawked and whispered about how cute they thought he was, but Jenna  ignored them and watched him carefully, his hazel eyes, glittered. He smiled as he looked over at her; she just did the same in return. He quieted the class down, and began to introduce himself.

"Elllo, My name is Mr. McCartney, and I'm going to be your English teacher for the rest of the year, I'm hoping to get to know each and everyone of you," his smile never faltered.

The girls silently squealing, and exchanging looks with each other, Jenna just faced straight ahead, and watched him, a soft smile on her face.

"I would like to start off the class with an introduction of everyone." everyone in the class gave a groan, but obliged. All the girls attempted to flirt with the English teacher, saying how pleased they where to have him and welcoming him to their beloved school. Jenna was last, when they got to her she smiled shyly. Mr. McCartney, smiling back at her and giving her a nod to go ahead, she stood up, slowly. Telling three things about herself, her English teacher listening carefully and hanging on to every word she said.

"Well... My name is Jennifer...but I go favorite color is purple... and I like rock music..." Paul smiled as she finished; she sat back down and stared at the ground. Only to have a rude jeering comment be sent in her direction.

" Only because you're a slut!'" one of the girls remarked, the class laughed and the jeering continued, but Jenna stayed silent staring blankly at the ground. Paul's smile dropped, as he looked at the blonde that had made the cruel comment and his voice grew hard and strict.

Paul coming to Jenna's defense.

"Excuse me, but I myself like rock N roll" the girl scoffed and rolled her eyes. Paul continued.

"So its not right to label people for their likes, and just so you all know, I will not tolerate that language in my class, I would like you to apologize to, Jenna"

The girl looked at the English teacher long and hard, and then apologized under her breath, and then mumbling something rude and incoherent. Paul decided to move on with the class. Jenna  stared at the clock, her head aching, and the tears threatening to spill down her cheeks, she held them back not wanting any of the girls to get the satisfaction of seeing her cry. When the bell finally rang for everyone to go to there next class, she didn't budge.

 All the girls flirted with Mr. McCartney on the way out the door, when everyone had left Paul, turned to see the auburn girl, silently sitting with her face and body facing the door, he walked up to her, and touched her shoulder.

"Jenna, everything alright". He whispered.

Jenna picked up her bag and got up. Only forcing a smile and nodding in response. He watched her walk out of the classroom and down the hallway. Something about this girl mystified him, she was a sad beauty, independent, and incredibly unique. And Paul was Enchanted..


HEY GUYS, I hope you liked it so far  know the beginning is cheesy and kind of terrible, if i get at least 5 likes I'll continue the story.


HEY GUYS, I hope you liked it so far  know the beginning is cheesy and kind of terrible, if i get at least 5 likes I'll continue the story.

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