Chapter 4

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The next day...

Paul had awoken that morning, with a throbbing head. He had sat  in his car, in the parking lot of the school, with his hands massaging his temples, for a good 10 minutes, before pulling himself together after a night of drinking, which was taking its toll greatly on him now. Paul was seated in his classroom, hands holding his head as he looked off in a daze. 

First period hadn't started yet, but boy did he wish it would,  he wanted it to start and end as quickly as one blinks. But unfortunately for Paul that was not  in the stars for him. The night before had been gloomy and depressing, he had gone home, and pulled 'the photo album' where he kept all  their wedding pictures. Of course looking at these pictures gave him so many emotions at once that he couldn't take it, so he succumbed to drinking. 

The bell finally rang, aggravating his headache, and causing the english teacher to groan inwardly. The students started to enter the room, the halls were loud and filled with students. The girls giggled and waved at Paul smiling. He smiled and waved weakly, he would rather be any place but there at that moment, the noises, the girls perfumes, and the blinding bright light and everything else that made him feel sick to his stomach. 

He slightly overheard a conversation one girl telling her friend how hot and rugged he looked with his dark hair all messy and the dark circles under his eyes. He scoffed inwardly thinking that these girls were delusional. There wasn't​ anything sexy about the way he looked. He looked horrible, like he got hit by a car, and honestly thats how he felt. 

Suddenly there she was... she came though the door, her hair was down and wavy, and her lips a natural red color. Paul bit his lip, she was so elegant and lean, and every movement she made was  so graceful, and all he could do was watch in awe. She looked over and smiled at him, he gave her his best smile. As she sat down, he took that as his clue to start class. 

 " Alright class, good morning"  Paul addressed. and got a 'good-morning' in reply. 

"today you'll be reading catcher in the rye, and taking notes on the first two chapters for next weeks test" the class groaned. and paul only laughed, "Its a good book you'll like it I promise" Paul passed out the book and let the class get to work. Jenna smiled at him,and went back to reading her copy. Paul smiled to himself, and went back to writing, notes for his next lesson plan.

When class was over, Jenna walked over to Paul's desk after everyone had left the room. She smiled looking at  him, at first he hadn't noticed she was there. But when he did his smile lit up the room.

"Jenna, how may I help you" she smiled and looked at him with a hint of concern on her face.

"Are you alright, Mr. McCartney, you don't look so well. Do you need something for your hangover" she smiled brightly. This took him completely by surprise she had noticed that he wasn't looking well, which was completely obvious, but what really blew his mind was the fact she knew what his problem was, and she was concerned for his well being.

" Jenna, your very sweet. But I'm alright, thank you for asking" she smiled. " But how are you doing on your reading?"

Jenna smiled  "good, I love reading"
Paul was pleasantly surprised
"Alright, that's fantastic, well if you have any questions, I'm here after school from 5 to 6 everyday"

Jenna smiled "I'll stop by if I need your help, Mr. McCartney, I promise" she said flirtatiously. He smiled, "I'll be looking forward to it" he flirted back. She walked out, and he watched silently smiling to himself, not knowing she was doing the same.

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