chapter 7

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Jenna tried to stay away. Stay away from, Mr.McCartney. Partly because If she didn't, she would break down in front of the entire class. And because she was deeply ashamed of how she acted. Not knowing that Paul, had tried to find the fault in the situation to push her away. Jenna attempted to avoid the hall his room accompanied, she tried to avoid his gaze or looks, and above all, she tried her hardest to avoid him.

The day after Paul had kicked her out of his room. She had come in the classroom, her head hung low, as though it was being weighed down. Sometimes Paul would look over at her. He  felt terrible for what he did, he was hurting too. He wanted to be with her, but he wasn't sure if that was an option anymore.

Paul started class, announcing that they were taking a test on the book 'Catcher In the Rye'. The class groaned, but Jenna stayed silent she was emotionless, slumped at her desk, staring blankly at the ground. No one noticed or cared that she was abnormally quiet, except perhaps Paul...

But he didn't say anything, he just handed another student the tests to pass out to the class, when Jenna received hers she just stared at it blankly, everyone had already started there tests. She scribbled her name at the top of her test, and filling in random answers. Before she placed the test on her desk, and sat staring at the ground once more.

When the class where all finished with there tests, Paul chose a student to collect all the tests, and place them on his desk, when the student had finished collecting the tests. He cleared his throat and started his next lesson.

"Alright, class we're starting our next lesson" the class was silent watching him, everyone except for Jenna was was staring longingly at the door. Hoping to leave at that very moment.

Paul continued, " We're going to be writing tragic love poems, and reading them next week" Jenna felt a pit in her stomach as it almost felt like an eery coincidence, or maybe it wasn't a coincidence at all.

Either way, the anxiety was boiling, she frantically looked at the door, when the bell rang her anxiety was relived, she dashed out the door as quickly as humanly possible. Paul dismissed the class with a goodbye, telling them the lesson would be continued next class.

When  Paul looked over to where Jenna had sat.  He found that she was gone, and the door was slightly open.He had a strange sinking suspicion that she'd ran out before he had dismissed the class. He watched as everyone left feeling a  hopeless feeling in his chest. He had done this , he had caused her to run out that door.

And who knows if she would ever come back...


Okay, so these chapters just seem really cheesy, I hope you like them though. It would really mean a lot if you could comment or vote on this story. So at least I know you're all enjoying it.

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