Chapter 1: Who are you?

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A/n: Hi, guys. I'm back. I'm going to tell you guys something. In this story, Kourin have her memories back. She meet Aichi two days after the converstation between Aichi and her at the Moon Sanctuary. I have posted the prequel this story. So, check that out first before you read this. I can't post my story everyday. So I hope you guys can wait. I don't own Cardfight Vanguard. Enjoy~...

The sun shone bright on the sky. The certain blonde girl was having a hard time searching for someone in the park. She stopped and took shelter under the three to rest.

Then she felt a hand pulling her hair but not that harshly. "Ouch!" A hand quickly released her hair when she turned around.

She searched the one who pull his hair, but she didn't found anybody until she saw leaves fall from the tree with a shifted sound on the tree.

She looked up and smiled to the person who sitting on the tree. "That was a little hurt... Aichi"

The person, Aichi Sendou, jumped and landed easily on the ground. "I got scared a little because of your clothes, Kourin." Aichi said.

"Don't say that out loud! There are many people here. And what's with that?" Kourin said.

She was in her spy clothes, basically. I should say her spy was good enough to fool people except Aichi and her best friend, Misaki Tokura.

No doubt, cause Aichi is now her lover and he has memorised Kourin's spy clothes. Big hat, red frame glasses, twin tails, simple clothes, and many more.

And you all probably should know Misaki has that kind of memory to be able to recognise that it was Kourin.

Aichi looked everywhere at the park. But nobody was there except both of them and the sound of cricket for an honor mention. "There surely are many people."

Kourin hit him lightly as Aichi slipped a chuckle. "Come, let's begin our lovely date." Aichi said softly as he held Kourin's hand.

Kourin nodded and held Aichi's hand back.

The two of them walked through the crowded city. It surely a bit unfortunate cause' Kourin couldn't go on a less busy days since she is still an idol so they have suck it up by walked along with the crowd.

Kourin saw the upcoming dresses and shoes while Aichi was trying to avoid pet shops or any possible animals roaming on the city.

It doesn't meant he disliked animal. But he didn't want the animals in that pet shop aggresively destroyed everything in front of them just to be with him.

After the Moon Sanctuary era not too long ago, animals started to stuck with him like a glue.

The birds perched in front of his window every morning (it's not that bad, tho)

Assistacat cuddled around Aichi when Aichi played in the card capital until Aichi have many scratches in his body and can't concentrate on cardfight (okay, it's a little bit annoying)

And even worse, rats ussually came to his house (That's tough, buddy)

Aichi sighed in relief cause' those events haven't occured to him,
"Kourin... " Aichi called.

Kourin turned to him."Yes, Aichi"

"There's something wrong with me. I have never experienced anything like this before. Seriously, I'm actually started to hate this kid of stuff." Aichi said as he swang Kourin's hand a little.

"Oh, come on. Maybe you once saved an animal while the other animals accidently watched your kindness and they told the other animals. That's what make them like you. " Kourin said then she giggle.

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