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A/n: Let's started the QnA

Aizuki= Me

MOL= Mother Of Light

*The curtain open but it revealing no one. But suddenly, the audience shocked seeing a circle Rainbow light appear on the center of the stage floor. The Light shines brighter then it lower and show Aini inside it.*

Aini: "Hello, everyone!!!" *the audience shout happily*

*A circle purple light appear beside her and it revealing Iachi.*

Iachi: "Welcome back." *winked then the girls except Aini scream*

*Aicha appear beside Aini after climbed down on her Ice stairs. A circle Light appear beside Iachi and revealing MOL. Then, A bigger circle blue Light appear in front of Aini and revealing Aichi and Kourin.*

Aichi: "Hi, everyone."

Kourin: *wave at the audience as everyone scream happily*

*A big Fire circle appear then Sargon and Vella appear. Sasaki appear while sliding his Ice wave before landing on the stage. Yuki appear with a vine hold her body then put her down softly to the floor. The audiences clap their hands happily.*

Aini: "Eh? Where are the others? *look around*"

*The other pairings come out from the backstage.*

Iachi: "Boo~ Lame."

Other Pairings: "We don't have powers, you know!!!"

Aichi: "Well, not yet. Author already said that some of you guys will also have it."

Iachi: "By the way, where is she?"

Everyone: *shrugged their shoulders*

Naoki: "We didn't see her behind the stage either."

Kourin: "Did she tell that she will absent?"

*one of the staff appear and give many papers to Iachi. Iachi sees a mail on it and then he open it.*

-Hey, there. I will absent today with no reason(?). But it's okay. The QnA still can going without me. I let Aichi or Kourin become the host.

Bye~ (This is a revenge, you cheesy couple!)


Iachi: *speechless*

Aini: *also read the mail then turn to Aichi and Kourin* "Author is absent today and you two will become the host."

Aichi: "EEEH?!" *shocked*

Kourin: "Okay, I don't mind."

Aichi: "K-Kourin."

Kourin: "What? Having a stage fear?"

Aichi: *pouted nervously*

Iachi: "That means yes, Sis."

Sasaki: "Oh, C'mon, Aichi! Don't be shy! If you don't do it, then I'll replace you."

Aichi: "Okay." *smile brightly*

Iachi: "Oh, wait. There's another writing." *read the mail* "She said, someone who wants to replace Aichi or Kourin will be death by me."

Sasaki: *shivers in fear* "I take back my words."

Aichi: "😢 Why... ?"

Kourin: "Just begin the QnA already."

*Suddenly, they hear a giant footstep as they turn around. They sees Jishindo appear as the audiences scream in panic.*

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