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You know, I've abonded this fanfic for so long. And I haven't been active ever since I was entering my second year of high school (and now I'm in the third year).

I've grown a lot but I forgot to take care of this book to grow with me and all of the readers here.

I don't think I can write the way I used to when I was a complete stranger when I install this app. But I hope you guys can accept the new me here.

Just from my writing now, I'm not a kid who was so innocent about my own environment and would just happy for everything I have without knowing behind all of that where I should be self-consious about what I should do to become a proper adult.

But that never stop me from being a kid who would always think positive in learning everything. Yes, that 'kid' is still inside me until now.

I will never afraid to be a failure and I won't stop doing what I like. Every pressure sure about to come when I will enter the society, but I don't want that to change me who I am now.

Writing is also my hobby other than drawing. So now I'm back to continue improving my skill.

Surely, I will write a deep story so you guys don't need to hesitate asking my sanity in the comments :v

But before I jump to the new journey, I would like to give you guys a great news.

I'm starting a project for "The Forgotten Memories" or should I call it...


Hiaic Dousen (Aichi Sendou)

Hiaic Dousen (Aichi Sendou)

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Hiac Dousen (Iachi Sendou)

Inia Raizuki (Aini Raizuki)

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Inia Raizuki (Aini Raizuki)

Inkour Agitatsun(Kourin Tatsunagi)

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Inkour Agitatsun(Kourin Tatsunagi)

Inkour Agitatsun(Kourin Tatsunagi)

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Chaai Dousen (Aicha Sendou)

Chaai Dousen (Aicha Sendou)

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Iem Dousen (Emi Sendou)

I will make a webtoon about them base on this story

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I will make a webtoon about them base on this story. Obviously, I won't making it the exact same story with this fanfic.

This is the only spoiler you will receive and I am hoping for the best in this project because this is the webtoon base on this fanfic that I love so much.

Any criticism and advise are welcome in the comments.

And if possible, I would like to make a group where we all can have a discussion about this webtoon. We can share each other's opinion on building the plot, characters, and just having a fun conversation while we at it.

You guys can also discuss your own story there or you can just receiving spoiler there and share your fantasy.

That's all for this chapter, I really hope I can do my very best without stressing myself again and having such a long hiatus :'v (sorry)

I'll began writing after Eid Adha (Happy Eid Adha to all of my muslim brothers and sisters)

Thank you so much and see you~


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