Chapter 16: Dark Chain

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A/n: Hi.


Iachi took a closer look behind Aini's back and also saw that map. He also widened his eyes and looked away. He looked down as he imagined just how much Clan Saigai have done to destroyed a kingdom because of grudge.

"Oh, no. Why didn't we get any report about this massacre? Didn't any protectors supposed to pass by and saw the mess?" Iachi thought. It took a little time for Iachi to realizes his role at the first place as he focused back on the screen. "We need to have a long chat after we arrive, Mother Of Light."

Iachi closed his eyes as his right hand touched the button at the side of his glasses' black frame until his eyes widened and shone toward the computer's screen.

Typing on those digital keyboard with his other hand, one by one, he managed to open all security and unlock all guarded location.

"Perfect. All blind spot and weakness collected. Secret code 3.1., accomplished. Secret code 5.0.,... start." Iachi said to himself then he pressed the final button.


The screen showed the unlock icon and at the same time of that, Iachi's eyes back to normal. Aini quickly turned around after hearing a loud noise behind her, finding Iachi on his knees. Aini squatted beside him, "Iachi?" She said in full worry as she wanted to check her friend's conditions.

Iachi was panting hard and sweating but also keeping his cool when Aini near him. He shook his head, "It's... still hard... to comprehend... " He said slowly while keeping his head down.


That silence made Iachi turned to Aini, turns out Aini kept staring at him with her concerned look. "Don't say it, just don't say anything." Iachi signaled her.

Despite that, Aini opened her mouth and... "You look ugly." she said that.

Knowing this is Iachi, he surely in full of rages right now but good thing his tiredness tame him a little bit. And knowing that his friend is Aini, she surely was having a short war in her brain and accidentally mumbled offensive remarks to the person in front of her. Yup, that's her accidental habit.

Iachi calmed himself down before replied, "I won't do it again,... " He adjusted his position a little to face Aini. "I won't let it happen again. I'll hold it with all my might, for your sake... and everyone." He quickly added those last words.
Aini narrowed her eyes, either because of pique or flustered. She stood up without giving any reply to Iachi and went back to where her spot was.

That caused Iachi to click his tongue in annoyance. He grabbed the side of table and lifted himself up, "Shit!" He cursed himself in his mind.

He could hear Aini's awkward and doubtful movement when she searched for more important documents and datas.

"Please,... " Iachi whispered slowly. "Don't put me into this shitty situation... "


The kids in the park were running and playing along with each other. Their playful moments surely sounds uncomfortable for Kai who was sitting in his favorite bench. Obviously, he was supposed to have a good nap time when those little cute beans disturbed him.
Kai didn't want to waste his precious energy as he quickly stood up. That was when he saw the most disturbing red bean cut his way with that goofy smile.

"Kai~" Ren waved his hand as he walked toward Kai. The brunette closed his eyes and put his hands in his pocket. Despite that, Ren smiled wider. "I heard cats closed their eyes to smiled back because they don't have the jaw structure to smile."

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