Curses, tagged again

115 25 31

Honestly I've received this tag from multiple people and since I can't remember who, you know who you are! Thanks btw.

Honestly I've received this tag from multiple people and since I can't remember who, you know who you are! Thanks btw

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1. favorite song?
Currently Centuries by Fall Out Boy

2. Favorite sport?
Hockey or soccer, the only sports I'm good at.

3. Favorite band?
Uummmm... Mystery Skulls.

4. Favorite show?
What kind of joke is this?
Gravity Falls
Over the Garden Wall
Doctor Who
Adventure Time
The Amazing World of Gumball

5. Favorite movie?
Currently Rise of the Guardians, but I didn't need to tell you that, you already knew.
Another favorite would be Doctor Strange.

6. Favorite color?
Green, red, black. Honestly I don't have a favorite color. Any color can look good and any color can look bad.

7. Favorite food?
Chocolate, the occasional soul here and there, the usual.

8. Favorite drink?
Good old water. I don't really like anything else, unless we're talkin hot chocolate but it's warm now so I can't have that anymore. *pouts in the corner*

9. Favorite Video Game?
Bendy and the Ink Machine

10. Tag 15 people
On honor of it being Easter and being a good person or whatever they call it I'll spare you poor souls of being tagged.

Uh, okay, that's all.

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