Chapter 25

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Ace's Pov.

Both bitches got scolded by that bossy Susan.

I shouldn't really call Katey a bitch because she did the dirty work for me and took the blame.

But she is a fucking bitch. And any way, she enjoyed dumping that muck on Vanessa.

I chuckle, V-bitche's reaction was priceless. Now that I've seen what she did to Katey's hair, I'm glad I wasn't the one who dumped the paint on her. She'd have probably sawed my balls off. Poor planet earth would have never gotten any little Ace's!

Yeah, my principal's would have been thrilled.

I take another drag on my joint.

Wild hair belonging to a black clad figure, whirls past me, a promising glare of revenge in her eyes.

This could be fun.

Vanessa's Pov.

That fucking arrogant jerk!!!

Susan's mad at me, which isn't to bad, and my hair is clogged by paint! That's the worst part.

Lana gave me a bottle of extra strong hair lotion, seeing I haven't got any because never use it.

Three bottles of soap, half a bottle of weird hair silicone, and a whole bottle of lotion later, my hair is back to normal.

And I've spent all day in the showers. Great.

Ace is so dead.

I just need to figure out how I'm going to cause his social death.

Something that won't just embarrass him, but also hurt him.

Wait.... that time he was crying in the forest... Ace crying....

I smirk and rush back to my cabin.

I'm going to need Lana's help. Then all we need to do is find the perfect timing...

Ace Hunter you fucker, your going down.

No one messes with Vaninckly.


Yes it's short, sorry. But I've got tons of schooling to do.

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