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^^ Dan Howell in this book


Can I just give all the credit to PurpleAfterlife for this masterpiece of a cover...!! Like omg!!!!!


"And here's the key to your dormitory room, Mr Howell. I think you will be sharing your dorm with Mr Lester," the red headed woman told me.

I did that awkward British smile that looks like the 😐 emoji and decided to give my spaghetti legs a rest, and take the lift.

My room was average, room for a small double bed, room into a shared bathroom, small living space and a terrible kitchen. Perfect. Just what every college student needs, yay!

Now, let's just hope my roommate isn't a douche. He better not be!

If I get woken up at 5 o'clock by a stoned roommate I'm quitting college as it is. But if he's chill, and loves to watch corny movies, then I'm game!

All I have to do now is unpack... I sighed.

I need some music!

I rummaged through many bags, searching for my rainbow speakers, the plugged them in. I put on Panic! At The Disco, and began to unpack and dance at the same time somehow.


I was 3/4 of the way done with organising, but was stopped with the sound of my door closing.

I switched off Fall Out Boy, and walked out into the living space area, to find someone, around my height, emo-y black hair, like mine but black, and a lion sweater on.


Seriously. Wow.

He turned around and put down his bags on the sofa, and also did that awkward British smile.

"Hey, I'm assuming you're my roommate then, hehe... I'm Dan. Dan Howell," I introduced myself. He chuckled a bit and shook my hand.

"I'm Phil Lester. So... I'm guessing this is my room?" He said, pointing to the other bedroom. I nodded and smiled a bit.

We spent the whole day blasting music and putting away our stuff. We didn't speak much, we just spent the few hours we had just... working.

And now it's 12:25. Great. I can't necessarily spend time with him now, and get to know him at this time. Guess I'll have to wait till I get a chance in free period.

But for now...

Well-earned sleep!



I never thought Dan Howell would get up at 6:50 for an education. Like ho-lee damn. I'm tired... I'm sad... and not ready for learning.

And yes, I'm studying video editing and effects, and also video quality. Yeah, it's gonna be a long 5 years. But it'll be worth it.

My goal?



Oh my God... it's 9:00 and I can't find my first lesson. Holy crap I'm screwed.

I studied each door searching for room 49. The computer lab. 53, 51. Oh wow, finally room 49.

I entered the room and looked around, the teacher giving me a disappointing look. I sighed and waited to be seated.

That's when I spotted Phil. Speaking of which, I didn't see him at all this morning. He must be an early bird.

Good on him.

The teacher sat me next to a girl called Wengie... I think her name is? Interesting. She had blue-ish hair and a cute baby face.

She seemed cool. Not my type of girl at all, but a fun class buddy I guess.

And I know what you're thinking. And the answer to that is: No, I'm not specifically looking for a relationship. I'd just be grateful for one to appear.


So lesson was boring.

Like, really boring. But I made like 4 new friends! PJ, Dan, Jay and Tyler! Wengie has her other group of friends. But she's chill.

PJ: KickThePJ
Dan: DanTDM
Jay: Kubz Scouts
Tyler: Tyler Oakley

We all went to the cafeteria and got ourselves a small table in the corner. I saw Phil in the queue taking with his friends he just made too.

"How about you Dan?"
I snapped out of my thoughts and looked over to Jay.

"Hm?" I sounded dumb, oh God. Tyler laughed.
"I said do you play video games in your spare time?" He repeated. I shook my head.

"No, I-I don't have a lot of money at the moment, not till I get a job," I told them. The other Dan sighed.

"That makes two of us, mate," he rolled his eyes, "Come on, we've got editing class next."

We all got up and started walking to the next class.

When we walked in, there was a seating class at the front. Me and PJ groaned while Tyler was sat next to his roommate and Dan 2 was sat next to his other friend, Felix.

I searched for my name on the board and found Phil. And next to him was my name. I smiled a bit and happily took my seat.


A few minutes late, he walked in and apologised to the teacher, and was seated next to me. He saw me and smiled a bit.

Class was so boring!

We had to listen to the droning teacher for like 35 minutes, and then had to fill in a worksheet in absolute silence.

But for the last 20 minutes we got to work with the person next to us to complete our description of why editing is pleasing to the viewers eyes.

"Hello again," I said awkwardly. Phil laughed a bit.
"Hello roomie, I see we have been paired," he joked. I giggled and began to write and have a conversation with Phil.

"So... I'm sorry for asking, but if you're broke, how are you paying for college tuition?" Phil asked me.

I sighed.
"My family. And not just my mum and dad. There's my aunt, my nan, grandad and I think my uncle," I explained.

Phil didn't say anything. Which was comforting, yet unbearable...

"I'm sorry..." he sighed. I turned my head a bit.

"What? Why?" I asked him. He only just shrugged.
"I'm not quite good with these kinds of conversations. I don't know what to say in them, aha..."

Then he began to laugh.
I looked at him then furrowed my brows in confusion.

"You're blushing like mad, oh my God!" Phil giggled. I hid my cheeks behind my hands and put my head on the desk.

"Well... at least I'm not... like... an emo!" I tried to roast him, only to cause him to laugh more.

"Shut up, Howell!" he said while choking on laughter. I sighed, but then secretly smiled to myself.

I think I'll be able to manage this semester. Just maybe.

Dan X Phil ~ Shut Up, Howell!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن