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^^ PJ in this book.



(Dan's Point of View BTW)

I heard Phil faintly talking on the phone to someone. I think I heard the name PJ. Could be wrong.

I didn't hear the exact conversation but the word that stood out most to me were:

• Crush

I bet he's talking about one of the girls in the group? Perhaps. But oh my God, wouldn't it be amazing if he were talking about me?!

But that'll never happen.

Just me and my Internet. And possibly Gabs. Maybe.

Speaking of which, replied earlier! It's my day off today, I get Wednesdays and Fridays, including Saturdays and Sundays off.

She said that she would meet me at the coffee shop, at 5:00 PM. And then we're going for food at a local Chinese restaurant.

I'm not gonna like dress up fancy or anything, I don't even like her like that if I'm honest. And I'm not using her. I just need a distraction.  So I might try dating and see where that lands me.

Then my phone rang. Ughh.

"Hello," my tired voice answered. It was Tyler. Okay?

"Oh, hey Tyler, you okay?" I asked. My heart skipped a beat.

"Wait, wait... what?! Yeah, I'll meet you there in 5 minutes, oh my actual God Tyler you're a damn genius!" I screamed at him down the phone and hung up.

I squealed into the pillow like a little girl, and then hopped up from bed, and got changed faster than the goddamn Flash.


Practically running, I speed walked down the path, through the courtyard and under the willow tree where Tyler, PJ and Felix were waiting.

"Tyler!" I called. He looked up and grinned. I sat down with them on the blanket on the grass.

Felix had his computer and was working on a project with PJ. They were also here to talk but they let Tyler spit out what gossip he had first.

"Dan, you're never going to guess who has a kind of small, maybe mega gigantic crush on you!" He said, almost freaking out from excitement.

My heart was racing.

"Who?!" I begged. Tyler giggled.

"PHIL!" He squealed. My heart went from racing to deadly still for like three seconds.

I was literally speechless.

Tyler was just fangirling over us next to PJ. I sighed.

"How do I know this isn't some joke, and you're trying to kill my vibes today?" I said plainly to them.

Tyler went from happy to deadly serious.

"No, no, no Dan even ask PJ! Phil called him up last night to ask advice about how to deal with a crush!" Tyler explained. I huffed.

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