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^^ Phil Lester in this book.


Monday Night

Well today was very eventful. And yes, me and Phil chilled together the whole day today. He's actually really funny and interesting!

I was changing into my pajamas. And by that, I mean my pajama pants and a Fall Out Boy band t-shirt.

I was trying to find the shirt when I heard the door open and I spun around quickly, trying to find something to cover my chest with.

I'm... very self conscious about my body...

It was Phil! I swear my face was as red as Leicester cheese...

"Oh! Oops! Sorry, I'll just go!" He called to me and left the room. I got up off the piles of clothes on my floor and looked behind me to find the band shirt.

Wow. Holy crap... I'm shaking...

That was so embarrassing! I bet he thinks I'm ugly, and mad, and fat!

Wait, not like I care, I mean I'm not gay or anything, I'm just really self conscious... right?


When I had my teeth brushed, and my hair tamed for the night, I went into the kitchen area and found Phil making a sandwich.

"Hey..." I said. He turned his head and smiled.

"Hello Dan!" He greeted me cheerfully. I smiled and looked over his shoulder.

"Oh my God, I would kill for a bacon sandwich right now... not hinting nothing," I said to him, causing him to laugh.

"Fine, I'll make you a bacon sandwich!" He sighed and turned on the grill. I giggled and slumped onto the sofa.

He joined me, and switched on the TV. My eyes were beginning to get heavy, and I begun to search for a pillow, and I found something warm and soft.

So I laid my head on it, and happily drifted to sleep.



I was woken up by an obnoxious beeping coming from both mine and Phil's room. I sighed and sat up.

Yawning, I turned around and looked down at my bed for the night.

I found another human leg...

Wait... what? WOAH! Did I fall asleep on Phil's thigh?! I cringed and looked over to the kitchen.

The grill was still on, but Phil didn't put the bacon on. Thank God. Would've burned the place down...

I looked at his sleeping face and felt myself smile. I shook myself out of my daydreaming and jumped up.

It's 7:13. And I've got exactly 18 minutes to get ready, brush my teeth, eat food and then learn.

Better start with waking the lanky emo up. I shook his shoulder and called his name.

Oh my God...

I saw his eyelids open slightly to reveal his cobalt blue eyes, sleepy but still gorgeous to see!

Like... I don't like him like that because, again, I'm not gay, and all I said was I like his eyes... like geez.

"Mmh... morning..." he said quietly. I chuckled and slapped his arm gently.

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