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^^ Gabbie in this book.



So it's now currently 3:13. 7 precise minutes until the bell rings for free time. The day today has dragged out long... too long.

Most reason is because Phil isn't in any of my classes today.

Oh my God. I can't belive I've met a male 5 years older than me, known him for less than a week and I'm already attached to him more than I am with flannels.

Don't judge.

Finally! The bell rang halfway through the droning teachers sentence and the students all rushed to clear the room.

Not knowing where Phil or the squad was, I just decided to get a coffee at the local coffee shop.


Today was stressful. So that calls for an espresso and a cupcake.

I'm stressed okay! Sweets chill my brain out.

So I ordered my espresso and cake and sat down, waiting for my order. In the meantime, I took out my laptop and decided to start on some homework.

A few minutes later, my order arrived. And so did someone else. She sat across from me, and trying not to be rude I put away my laptop.

"Hi Dan! It's me, Gabbie! You know, from the squad, aha," she said, and smiled. I smiled back.

"Yeah, heheh, I've seen you with, um, Jenna is it?" I replied, trying to start conversation. We ended up somehow talking about the future.

"So, yeah! My dream career is being a storytime/comedy YouTuber that gets people to understand Gabbie a bit more. I know, it sounds lame, but it's me," she giggled and sipped her frappe.

"Well, I wanna be a YouTuber that's comedy. Just basic comedy, I want to make people laugh, aha!" I explained. Before I knew it, it was 6:33.

"Oh god, I err... I've got to shoot off back to dorm now, I've got to finish off this huge project with my roommate by Monday, and it's kind of a big thing," I told her and paid for my drink and food.

"Yeah, me too," she said, "anyway, I'll see you around. Here."

She passed me a small piece of paper folded up. Walking out, she looked back and smiled a bit and then left.

Oh okay then? Bye?

I opened the paper as I walked back to dorm, reading it.

Call me if you're interested in meeting up again
~ 01383 428536 (fake)

Gabbie x

I held onto the number, thinking to myself... what if this thing with Phil is just a phase. Just a man crush?

Well, I mean it's not like he'd like me back anyway! I've seen him around the girls, they love him!

Anyway, I need to get him off my mind somehow. Maybe sports?

Oh my actual God was that some sort of joke Dan? Sports?! Now I know I'm going crazy...

I need to rest more, Jesus.


I got in, and turned on the lights. A certain lanky emo was passed out cold on the sofa, his cold hot chocolate beside him.

Chuckling, I nudged him. A tired Phil pushed himself off the couch and sat upright.

"Oh... hey Dan," he greeted me and yawned. Smiling, I just hugged him. No words, just a hug.

And wow. He hugged back.

I swear I felt myself even crying a bit?... I sniffled and buried my face in his chest.


He hugged me tighter.

"Yeah Dan?" He replied. I sighed.

I was deeply contemplating whether I should do as Tyler says, and tell him how I feel.

"Phil I... I just wanted to say... that I l..."

I felt him tense up just the slightest bit. Not much, but definitely.

I pulled out of the hug and looked at him in the eyes.

"I just want to thank you for making such a good friend in the short time that we've known each other," I told him. I saw his cheeky smile appear.

"You too Dan, I think you're one of the closest friends I've made here. And even if we weren't somehow destined roommates then I'm sure we'd have just as strong a bond as we have now," he said back to me.

I sighed and rubbed my eyes. I just got friendzoned. Technically. I mean he doesn't know I mentally replaced friend with true love...

Holy Jesus... I think I love him. My first true love... oh no.

I have no chance! I just as well try get my mind off things and try and few dates with Gabbie? Maybe she's better a date than I expect?

I got out my phone and typed in the numbers on the paper. I sent her a text.

Hey Gabbie it's me Dan. I decided to go out on Saturday maybe get some food. I was wondering if you'd like to come with me ahah

I cringed at my asking out skills and hit send. I knew only Phil liked me as a friend. Wow, my life is so messed up right now.

We sleep together, he doesn't know it was me, and probably isn't gay/bi and also has a chance with any girl.

I'm just that close friend that's also his roommate. I don't want to ruin that...

Phil's Point of View

I took what Dan said and thought about it for around 25 minutes after he went to text Gabs.

She's really lucky to have him, if they end up dating.

Heck, I'd even date him myself, hehe. I mean, he's tall, good looking, friendly, and funny!

That's like my type of girl, except he's a guy. But I'm bisexual and have been since like Year 9.

So if he ever asks me out (which will probably never happen) then I'd absolutely give him a shot!

I wonder if he feels the same? You know, I should probably tell someone about this. I think I have a crush on Dan!

Sighing, I dialled PJ. He picked up after a couple of rings.

"Hey PJ. Can we talk? I need to get something off my chest," I told him.

He said it's fine so I let out all my feelings.

"Well, first of all, my roommate is Dan Howell. Second of all, I have a mighty crush on my roommate. How do I handle this?" I asked him, blushing a tiny bit.

He told me so many things, but one thing stood out to me the most and that was 'tell him how you feel'. And he already did.

I'm just a close friend to him. We ended the call and I laid back down on the sofa.

I wonder if I have a chance? Even a small one...

Dan X Phil ~ Shut Up, Howell!Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat