Second Tainted - Mabel The Killer

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Remember Bipper's story... Well this one is the thing that happend next... And like all stories... They begin when another ends.
When Bipper burned the whole town every survivor left the town without thinking twice... Except for Mabel. She went to the shack and barricaded herself in, without no one else around... The days passed, and so the weeks... Until it was the day Mabel was waiting for... Her birthday.
Alone, Mabel started sewing dolls and putting them her sweaters.. And so, she celebrated her birthday #13, with only the few sanity she had left, and after that day... She ended up having none left.
Insane, Mabel went to the woods to find "others" to be in her party, and then she found.. Bipper.
"Oh, who we have here?" Mabel said as she was laughing.
-Oh, Shooting Star! I thought you left a while ago, you seem kind of sad.
-No one showed to my birthday. Mabel said as she started sobbing
-Oh thats a shame... You know, with me, everyday is a party... And you are invited. Bipper said as he reached out his hand to her. "You only have to shake my hand... And you'll have everything you want! And you can punish everyone who leaved you behind!"
-Yeah, they... They dont deserve a second chance... They always thought I was weird, and nobody cared for me! ... You promise... I'll have all that?
-Trust me, and you'll have even more!
Mabel smiled with a maniac look "Sure thing, I'll be with you forever" as she shaked his hand.
Mabel could feel like she was being free from a cage, she felt like she could do anything.
-Well, what do you think? Said Bipper all I needed.. Thank you Bipper. Said Mabel as she started looking around, until, she saw something... Or rather.. Someone.
It was one of the tourist from town. Mabel came closer to them and asked them: "Hey, would you guys come to my party" as she laughed like a maniac. The tourists denied her invitation.
"Why... Why you wont come!" She said as she cut both of them with a piece of glass. "Thats what happens if you dont do what I say! Now suffer!" She said repeatedly until... The last bit of blood was spilled.
"Good, Mabel" said Bipper clapping. "Now lets go, we have places to go... And people to meet, we will have a big party"
"My favorites!" exclaimed Mabel. "You know how to make me smile"

And thats the end... Of another of our guests origins... Which will be the next one... I wonder.
Well, it doesnt matter... I just hope you'll stay at the party....

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