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It'd been a month and I'd grown used to Christopher crying in the middle of the night because he didn't know where he was, and it usually ended with him curling up into my side for comfort. "I'd say you're quite the big sister, Little Cub." Sticking my tongue out at him I offered a small spoonful of cereal to Christopher, since he'd blatantly ignored Daddy and Papa's offers. "Maybe he just favourites you." We both knew that was true by now. He never went to Daddy and Papa for comfort or if he was curious about something, he was almost like he was afraid of them. But Papa had told me that he hadn't been treated to kindly but his last Papa so it was to be expected that he wouldn't warm up to them right away. Men just scared him. "How about you go and get him dressed for the day, I don't want him to get stuck in his clothing." That was just a jab at me.

Sliding off my chair I held out my hand to Christopher who quickly grabbed mine and followed me like a duckling followed it's mum. "You know you're gonna have to get use to them at some point, right?" Since Miles had moved away I never thought that I would care for someone like I'd cared for him but that proved false the first night that Christopher came home. He was only 3 but he seemed a lot smarter than his age, but Daddy and Papa told me that it'd been the same for me. "I know they might scare you but I promise you that they don't mean you any harm. All they want to do is get to know you and love you and eventually know that you love them. Do you love them, Christopher?" He shook his head and hid his face in my chest, and all I could do was let out a sigh as I got out a pair of shorts and a cute shirt. "Sit on the bed, Christopher, we are gonna go see some friends." Daddy and Papa thought it might be smart if we tried to introduce some new people into his life at a young age, they'd done that with me but apparently not as soon as they would've liked. "They're names are Ruby and Sapphire, aren't those pretty names?"

He just sucked on his thumb and looked at me with those large dark eyes. Smiling down at him I poked his nose gently and earned a smile out of him which made me feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside. "You are just the cutest little boy in the entire world." Squishing his cheeks I made a few kissy noises and earned a few squeals of happiness before there was a knock on the door. I saw Daddy leaning against the doorframe with a smile creeping onto his face, I guess what he saw was what you were supposed to call a normal sister and brother bonding moment. "He'll be ready in a few minutes, please tell Papa." He nodded and let us along and I let out a breath of relief, I don't know why I felt upset that he'd caught us, it's not like we were doing anything bad, but it just made me feel bad knowing that someone else had seen our bonding moment. Ours.

Slipping on his outfit I had him stand up for a moment before allowing him to attach himself to my arm and be lead. "We're ready!" Beaming up at Daddy and Papa I took notice that he hide himself behind me but never let go of my shirt, he really was afraid of them. "Are we gonna go see Ruby and Sapphire now?" With a nod we were brought to the care and I was put into my big girl carseat while Christopher was put into his little boy one, though not without a bit of a fuss. He must not have liked Daddy leaning over him like that, "It's okay Christopher, we're going to see Ruby and Sapphire now! You'll love them. Ruby is really funny and Sapphire is super pretty and makes the best sweets! Daddy, do you think that Sapphire will make one of her sweets?"

"I dunno, Sunshine, we'll have to wait and see." Starting up the car he checked behind us before starting out onto the road. "But Ruby did say she had some sort of surprise waiting for the two of you at the diner." I straightened up in my car seat and looked over to Christopher, but he was just looked about ready to cry, so I took his hand in mine and looked at Daddy's eyes in the mirror to tell him to keep going. "I can't just spoil the surprise! Hey! No puppy eyes!" With a pout I stuck out my tongue at him and turned back to soothing Christopher, I didn't want him to cry, especially not in the car. It would echo and then I would get a headache. "Almost there."

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