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(please forgive me if the timing of the story is off i just remembered what ages they are so i'm gonna fast forward it a bit in the months)

"Another video?" Looking up at Papa in surprise he nodded and smiled, "What is. .. Golf with Friends?" Squinting at the title screen I saw him beam until Daddy entered the room and I was suddenly beaming, "Oh! It's one of those games were you and Daddy argue and you usually end up being right?" He seemed happier already and patted me on the head as Daddy sat down beside us and placed Christopher on his lap, "Okay! Let's play this game then! Christopher, are you ready?" He just sucked on his thumb and nodded at me, he seemed to have gone back to being silent. "Hello everyone!" Beaming at the camera as soon as Papa turned it on I waved with a sudden burst of energy and dove right into it, "This game is called Golf with Friends! We're friends, aren't we Christopher?" He looked at the camera slowly before looking at me and giving me an affirmative nod, "Great! Daddy, Papa, are we friends?" They laughed before nodding and I gave an even larger grin, "Even better! Okay, since we're all friends here we can now play!" Wiggling around on Papa's lap I clicked the play button, "Me and Papa on a team and then you and Daddy! Does that sound fair?" He seemed to have his head in the clouds before nodding.

Papa took control while I swung my legs back and forth, "So how about me and Daddy play the first game and then you and Christopher can play the next? Husband against husband and then sister against brother?" My eyes must've lit up because he began to laugh as he chose which colour ball he wanted, "I guess that idea is a winner." He chose black, though not like it was a big surprise, and Daddy chose pink. It was a pretty shade of pink, almost like pastel. "Come on Philly, I know you can play better than that ~" He was teasing and everyone, including Christopher, could tell. Daddy's first shot hadn't been that fantastic, he not only missed the hole but he also managed to barely hit the ball in the first place. Giggling at his fail I saw his pale face flushed a light pink before handing the mouse to Papa, who had to fix it since he was left handed. I guess I was a little left handed myself. "That's right Lester, I am number one." Shaking my head I had half a mind to take the mouse away from him, though I stopped when he begun to sing a small tune after those words. "See! First try every hole, try and beat that Mister Lester~!"

Shoving the mouse back in his direction he didn't even get a chance to redeem himself before Christopher took the mouse and topped Papa's score without even breaking a sweat, "Daddy I want a snack, can we eat now?" Looking up with innocent eyes everyone just stared in shock at him before Daddy took him, hand in hand, to the kitchen and me and Papa were left on our own to finish the match. "Winnie," Looking behind me as I managed to beat Papa I saw him standing in the doorway himself, "Daddy is on the floor and he won't get up." Everything froze and Papa was out of his chair and in the kitchen and rapidly talking into his phone before I could even blink. "Winnie, is Daddy going to be okay?" He was sucking on his thumb again so his words were a little mumbled but he climbed up into my chair and sat beside me, nustling into my side. "He was reaching for a snack and then suddenly he was gripping at his chest and his breathing went all weird and then he fell down, he hit his head on the way down to." He looked ready to cry, "I shouldn't have asked him to get me a snack. Daddy is hurt and it's all my fault!" He began to whimper and I wrapped my arms around him, "I don't want Daddy to go away forever like my last sister did." That sent a pang of sadness through me, "The woman took her away before they took me away and then I was all alone with my last Daddy and Mummy and I miss her so much."

Suddenly Papa was in the doorway and he was herding us into the car and we were quickly at the hospital, "Okay. Winnie, watch Christopher," He quickly sprawled out some sentences on a piece of paper the nurse had handed him, "I'm going to see if Daddy is okay and I'll be back before you know it. I called Auntie Louise to come and she'll be here soon to pick you up, alright? She'll even bring little Darcy along and her other little girl!" (sue me they haven't named her yet) He was trying to smile but I could see the tears in his eyes and I nodded, taking his hand in mine and squishing it against my face. I didn't really know what that would mean to him, I didn't know what it meant to me, but it seemed to calm both of us down. I was here, he was here, Daddy was still here. Everything was going to be okay. "Right right, I love you two." His arms were around us and we almost couldn't breath but neither of us stopped him, we both seemed to know that this is what he needed right now. "Please wait here for Auntie Louise, see you soon."

We were alone in the waiting room for what seemed like ages before Auntie Louise showed up, but she was all alone. "Hello lovelies~!" She was chirpy and bouncy but I knew that inside she was hurting, those large light eyes of hers were wet and threatening to overflow, "Sorry that Darcy and the little doodle isn't here, Liam has them right now at his place since I came to get you two and, despite them being my own children, you two need a little bit of extra love today." She wrapped her arms around us and placed a kiss on both of our heads, "Now how about we go to my home and I fix you up some supper, yes?" Christopher was nodding and he held out his arms and made grabby hands and Louise, being the super mum that she is, knew exactly what he wanted. Picking him up she held out her hand, "Come along Winnie darling, aren't you a little bit hungry?" Nodding slowly I placed my hand in hers and looked behind us as we walked out of the building. Papa was in the hallway pacing back and forth in front of a door, biting on his nails and pulling at his curls. And then it hit me. Something a 10 year old girl should never have to worry about in her life, especially for the second time. Daddy might not wake up. Just like Mummy and Daddy never woke up. But that was a tale for another time, now isn't it? It is.


"Darcy and little doodle are gonna stay at Liam's old place, the place where one of his friend's live, for the time being. Is that okay?" Nodding at Auntie Louise I curled up on her lap and held Christopher's hand, this one of his first times actually meeting Auntie Louise so he was still a bit frightened by her, but not nearly as much as he had been of Daddy and Papa for the first few months or so. "Christopher, are you sure you don't want anything else to eat? You've barely touched your food." Her voice went soft and I felt Christopher's hand tighten around my own and I knew that her speaking to him was spooking him, though he still looked up at her and shook his head. I knew that he was hungry though because he was watching her food with interest and following her fork whenever it went up to her mouth. She smiled and scooted her plate a little closer to him and stopped eating, he took that invitation as quickly as he could. "So, Winnie." Seeing as he probably wasn't listening, though I knew from experience that he still was, she took this time to tell me what was going on. "It seems like your Daddy had a heart attack, do you know what that is?" With fear I nodded my head, one of my teachers had one and didn't come back. Why do you think Miss Usagi was there now? They had to get a transferred teacher do to the fact that they couldn't find a replacement one in the country. Nodding she let out a small sigh, "You're Daddy had a heart attack sweetie, he's almost 40 so it was bound to happen sooner or later, though that's probably a horrible thing to say." She sighed and facepalmed.

Placing my hand on top of her hand I smiled up at her, "It's okay Auntie Louise, I know you didn't mean anything bad by it. We're all worried about Daddy and we all show it in different ways, you show it by rambling without being able to stop, Papa shows it in tears, and then I saw it in trying to smile to much." Smiling sadly up her I saw her looking at me with amazement in her eyes, mumbling something like 'when did you get so grown up?' and tucking a piece of hair behind one of my ears. "I don't know," Leaning my face into her hand placed against my cheek I closed my eyes, "I suppose with everything that's gone on in my life since I've met Daddy and Papa I've kind of had to grow up a little bit faster than others." Playing with her fingers I heard her sniff and I knew that she was beginning to cry, "Please don't cry Auntie Louise." She wrapped her arms around me, 'you sweet child' was what she whispered to me, kissing my head.

"Everything will be okay." Looking down at Christopher who was suddenly paying all his attention on us I grabbed his hand and squeezed is, "I promise. Everything is going to be okay."


What is this? An update? It must be Christmas! Hope you babes enjoy this, because there is gonna be a long long long road of angst and drama and turmoil. I CAN'T HURT CHRISTOPHER I'M SO SORRY HE'S THE ONLY LESTER WHO HASN'T ALMOST DIED I'M SORRY I JUST CAN'T DO IT. 

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