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"LESTER FAMILY KARAOKE!" Laughing loudly Papa handed me my hairbrush and told me to use it like a microphone, but I was already one step ahead of him. Moving my hips from side to side I laughed as he twirled me around and dipped me like we were at some fancy dinner place. I knew they existed, I've seen them in movies. Moving our hips from side to side I almost didn't see Daddy trying to urge Christopher to join us, but he just curled into himself on the floor and seeing his shoulders beginning to shake I slowed my hips and started towards him. "Little Cub?" Daddy joined him on the 'stage', it was really they're bed but that could be a debate later, and went over to Christopher. Getting down on my knees I gently began to rub his arm up and down.

He must've realised it wasn't Daddy because he uncurled and attached himself from me and began to cry again, Daddy looming over him like that must've spooked him or triggered a bad memory. "It's okay, Baby Bear, I'm here." That was a nickname I gave him the other month or two ago and it seemed to have stuck, but it had always seemed like I was the only one who was allowed to call him that. Maybe all this noise was to much for him, he did seem to like much more quieter people and activities. "How about you join us for this one song and then you can choose one from Papa's playlist, okay?" Rubbing his back gently I tried to ignore Daddy and Papa's eyes on me and looked into those large dark eyes. "Come on, Baby Bear, let's go sing."

Grabbing his hand I helped him onto the bed and started to shake my hips from side to side again to show him how to to do it, and eventually he began to join me. "You've got it!" With a laugh I grabbed his hands and gently spun him around before dipping him like Papa had done to me another moments ago, "You're a natural born dancer!" The only dancing I really knew was ballet, despite claiming I hated it, it was actually a really cool thing. Getting on my tiptoes the best I could I did a spin but ended falling on my bum. Jumping down from the bed I took a deep breath and waited for the right moment before getting on my tiptoes again, putting one leg out, and spinning with my arms in front of me like I was holding a bucket. Three pairs of eyes were watching me, two of them seemed proud and one pair looked curious and interested. As soon as the song ended I gave a bow and everyone clapped, even except Christopher that is. After he choose his song it was time for bed but Christopher cried until he was able to sleep with me. It wasn't a weird thing, he still had nightmares sometimes. "Goodnight Christopher. I love you."

But I guess he wasn't very tired. "What was that called?" Sucking on his thumb he stuck up quickly and tried to imitate what I'd done earlier. After telling him that it was called ballet he nodded and looked down, "Do you think that I could learn it?" I didn't know if they allowed 4 year olds into /my/ class but I was sure that there was /a/ class that would allow him in. Telling him to talk to Daddy and Papa sometime later I closed my eyes expecting that to be the end of the conversation but he was shaking my shoulder and asking for me again. "Is it something that only girls are supposed to do? When we went to your classes I didn't see very many boys there."

I knew he was 4 and plenty curious but he'd never talked this much before, he must really be interested in this. "Well," Getting comfortable in a criss-cross-applesauce position I poked his nose and smiled. "No. Some people have this biased, it's a word that Daddy and Papa taught me that means. .. um, one person has a specific grudge against something or something like that, but there are some people who think it's only meant for girls. But guys can enjoy it to." He was smiling again and nodded like that was all it took to make him happy, but there also seemed to be another question on his mind. "Well come on, Baby Bear, spit it out before I really get mad."

"Whose that person in that photo?"

"What photo?"

"On your dresser. He has black hair and green eyes. Who is he?"

I hadn't expected to have this conversation so soon but it's not like it was some sort of big secret from him or something. "Oh. That's my best friend, his name is Miles. He moved away right before you came home with us, so that's probably why you don't know who he is. I barely knew him for a year but he was the one person who stood up for me at school and against the bullies. We went to a lot of fun places together like the water park and even the carnival at one point. He has two Mummies just like we have two Daddies, and he has twin sisters." Letting out a soft sigh of happiness I closed my eyes and imagined his crooked smile and that stupid laugh of his whenever I did something stupid like tripping over my own two feet before offering to help me up. "He's one of those people you need in your life to remind you that everything is going to be alright. Okay, so I'm going to go a bit off track here but here's a few things that happened before you became a part of our family." Telling him to get comfortable I watched him wiggle around before nodding at me. "The bad things all started with this lady named Bea that liked Daddy. .."


Sorry that this chapter is a lot shorter than previous ones but I promise that you can learn all about this Bea situation by reading the first book, okay? Now the next chapter is gonna have something to do more with Christopher than I've been allowing lately. Winnie is my girl so it's also hard for me to accept that there is another child to write about. Please bare with me.  

Also do you guys like his nickname? Baby Bear? 

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