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“So I hear you’re quite the crybaby.” I was really hoping I wouldn’t hear that sneering voice until at least 3rd period, it was to early in the day to have to put up with her. But when I finally looked up I saw a new member of Alice’s posse, it was Tabby. “Oh! You must be jealous of my new friend, hmm? Her name is Tabitha, not Tabby like some stupid baby would say.” Sticking out her tongue she gave Tabb -- Tabitha a hug and was giving one in return. “She’s my new BFF and we’re always gonna be together, unlike you and Miles, hmm?” That stung and I really wish he were here right now to help me but I knew he couldn’t always help me win my battles, especially if he’d changed just as much as Tabitha had. No more Tabby. “I bet he moved to America just to get away from /you/!” Cackling she pushed me back down onto my bum when I tried to stand up, “You’re so pathetic! Thinking that people actually want to be your friends. Your so stupid!”

I was ready to cry but I wasn’t about to give her that satisfaction, instead I took a deep breath and ignored her. No matter how much I wanted to scream in her face. But she grabbed my hair and made me turn around and look at her, “Don’t ignore me when I’m talking to you. You should feel honored that I’m talking to you.” She was spitting in my face and laughing as she pushed me onto the ground again, but she still hadn’t let go of my hair so she managed to pull some out. “I can’t believe it, you were right Tabitha!” Bringing my knees up to my chest I began to blubber like a baby as her friends sang a nasty song all around me, “She really is the world’s biggest crybaby!” Throwing her head back like it was the funniest thing in the world she snapped and her entire posse followed her, but not after everyone gave me a swift kick. Tabitha gave me the hardest kick of all. I didn’t understand why they all had to be mean to me. What had I done to them to deserve this? Sniffling I felt a kind hand on my arm and looked up to see a teacher.

She’d been the teacher to replace Ms Smith and she had the same kind smile on her face as she had, taking me into her arms like a small child she walked inside and brought me to the nurse's office. “I’m so sorry, Winnie.” Her voice was light and airy, like she was a part of the wind. “My name is Usagi, and I know what it’s like to have to deal with bullies.” Setting me down on one of the soft beds she went through the supply cabinet to look for whatever she could find. “I’ll let her parents know that she isn’t the most kindest with others and maybe they’ll do something about it.” Gently rubbing at the scratches that had appeared on my pale skin she put a bandage over one and then kissed the top of my head before freezing, “Oh! Forgive me. In Japan (don’t quote me on this but i’m really into Sailor Moon at the moment so shove off) we kiss the injured children on the top of their heads so. .. I forgot that in England you might not do that.” But I just shook my head and wrapped my arms around her, thanking her. “Your welcome, Winnie.”


The rest of the day went by without a hitch and I even waited until every single one of Alice’s posse had gone home before jogging to Papa’s car. “What took you so long, Little Cub? Did you get in trouble or something?” Shaking my head I buckled myself up and shook myself out, this was something that I didn’t want to have to talk about with him but it didn’t seem like I had much of a choice when he pointed at my bandages, “Get a scuffle or something?” He chuckled like it was all some big joke but when he noticed I wasn’t laughing, that I wasn’t even cracking a smile, he suddenly become serious. “Winnie. Did you get into a fight?” He stopped the car and looked behind him to watch me carefully, “I am not moving this car until you tell me exactly what happened.” Sighing I climbed into the passenger's seat and began to tell my tale. His face was what you would call pissed and he was gripping at the steering wheel so much that his knuckles had begun to turn white, “That little -- Oh. Okay, Eve is gonna hear about this for sure, alright? She has no right to lunge at you after being gone for so many years, and how come you never told me about Alice Blackwell? Winnie!” He was rubbing his face and dragging his hands down before looking at me. There was sadness, anger, and disappointment in his eyes and I looked away before it would burn itself into my memories. “Well. .. Let’s go home and tell Daddy.” I jumped up to argue but he gave such a stern voice, “NO! No arguing, you got that?”

Sitting quietly in the front seat as he drove us home I had a heavy heart. He was disappointed in me and that was the last thing I ever wanted him to feel towards me. Once we stopped off in front of the building I slid out of my seat and hurried up the stairs towards our floor, “Winnie? Why are you crying?” I wasn’t even aware that I’d been crying as I ran into my room and slammed the door shut, he was gonna hear everything from Papa and then they were going to come in here and yell at me and wonder why I couldn’t just tell them this was all going on. I let out a sigh and smiled when I saw Christopher peek his head into the room but that smile went away as soon as I saw Daddy behind him. “Winnie?” He rarely called me that unless I was in trouble or hurt, so I knew that this wasn’t going to be a fun time. “I sent Papa out to get some extra things so we could talk.” Closing the door and picking up Christopher he let out a sigh before looking straight at me, “You should’ve told us this was going on. I’m not disappointed, I’m just sad that you felt like you couldn’t share this with us.” He placed his hand on top of my head and ruffled up my curls a bit, “I’m sorry Papa got so upset. He was bullied a lot as a child as well and was always upset that he never said anything about it. He’s just worried about you.”

“He has a real funny way of showing it sometimes.” But I kept a smile on my face because the last thing that Christopher needed to see was me being rebellious or something and then he’d start to be difficult and that would be fun for no one. “I just thought that the longer I ignored her she'd surely get bored of picking on me, I mean a 10 year old girl can only be entertained for so long.” Letting out a small huff as I realised how silly it sounded out loud crawled into Daddy's lap and curled up into chest, “Next time I get bullied I promise to tell you and Papa, I'm sorry for keeping this from you.” He shushed me and kissed my forehead, the topic dissolving just like I had hoped it would. I knew it'd pop back up eventually but for now I just wanted to cuddle Daddy and even Christopher and waited for Papa to come home.


Hiatus on this story until I get my laptop back.

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