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"This is your first Lester family birthday so it's gotta be /extra/ special!" Today my little brother, Christopher Robin, is turning 4 years old. Since he wasn't left like I was at a young age, though I know now being a bit older that I wasn't actually left and though I could probably tell Daddy and Papa I'd for some reason kept quiet about, we knew exactly when his birthday was. March 9th. It was kind of funny if you think about it because all we're missing is a February. Daddy's birthday is in January, Miles' is in April, mine is in May, and Papa's is in June. And even though Miles' is not technically part of the family I still counted him because is he someone important to me. A blurry eyed Christopher looked up at me with those large dark eyes. I'd gotten him up a bit early this morning because I wanted to treat him but now I was beginning to wonder if I should just let him go back to bed. "You can go back to sleep if you want but I think I might need a helper due to my. .." Looking down at my right away I let out a sigh of annoyance before plastering a smile back onto my face. "What do you say?" Those sleepy eyes slowly widened and he nodded.

I knew that climbing on the counter was probably a bad idea so I decided that if we were going to make anything it would be from the places we could reach. Yes that limited our options but that's what made it fun! Going to the fridge I got out some milk and then from the cupboard that was just at my eye level I got out a bag of that popping cereal that I liked so much. "I know that this looks like a normal breakfast but after we add my secret ingredients it'll be a birthday breakfast!" Twirling around the heels of my feet I jumped up and grabbed the sugar, got the two chocolates that Daddy thought he was keeping hidden from us, and then got the frosting that Papa had stored in the lower cupboards because he probably thought that we'd think he'd put it up high so we wouldn't be able to reach it. This isn't my first time sneaking sweets outta this kitchen. "How do you feel to having a sugar coma?" I didn't exactly know what those words meant but I do know it was along the lines of taking in so much sugar that you didn't know what to do without yourself, and therefore, neither did your body. Getting to the kitchen table I got him up with the strength of one arm and told him what to do. "I'll take care of the milk since it's still a bit to heavy for you, but I might as well teach you now. .." Opening the cereal for him since his tiny fingers were still a bit to chubby to grasp things easily, I handed him back the bag. "The cereal /always/ goes in before the milk. If you put the milk in first then all the cereal just stays at the top and that's a waste of space. If you put the cereal in first than you can fill up the entire bowl and then just douse as much milk onto it as you want!" I watched as he poured in the cereal. "Alright. .." Carefully pouring in the milk I made sure the cap was on it before putting it back in the fridge, the last thing we needed was a mess or loud noise to wake up Daddy or Papa.

Nodding in approval once I came back I broke up a couple pieces of the chocolate and handed him a couple, "Just put them wherever you want!" He nodded and took literally no time in deciding where he'd want them, he literally just threw them into the bowl. Clicking my tongue I felt it not my place to tell him otherwise, he was allowed to do as he pleased. Especially on his birthday. "Okay, now how about a little frosting?" I had grabbed a spoon, actually three spoons, when I had gone to return the milk to it's rightful place. He nodded and jumped up and down a little bit as I slathered some onto the cereal and then a little bit on his nose. "Now you look extra silly for an extra big birthday!" Giggling I let him add a little onto my nose as well before giving him a clean spoon, "I'll let you have the first bite." He got a good spoonful with just a little bit of everything, seeing as everything was soggy a little by now and could fit onto a single spoon, and lifted it to his mouth. "Is it good?" It took a moment to work it out but then he grinned and gave a nod before digging in, "Hey! Save some for me!" Laughing loudly without any regard for how early it really was I dug in with him and ate to my heart's content. Until I heard a stern voice.

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