Chapter One: The Suffering

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      I moped around my house holding onto his collar. I made it into a leather bracelet with it. I held onto it crying my eyes red from all of the crying. My parents were worried but they had to work. My vision of my friend disappeared and everything was gone. I had nothing left. I picked up my knife and put it to my throat. A hand grabbed my wrist,"You shouldn't do that." I looked at the stranger and my eyes widened. He didn't have eyes as I looked into his blue mask. I didn't move from his grip and I said his name,"Eyeless Jack?" He sighed softly,"Yeah?" My hand let go of the knife and I asked,"Why stop me. You're going to kill me anyways." E.J. said,"When did I say that." He picked up my knife,"Those kids you killed why did you do so?" I looked at him,"They kicked my dog around as if it was a soccer ball and one of them raped me." E.J. nodded looking at the knife,"Last time I was here. You were talking to someone." I sat on my bed watching him still,"Yes. A voice of my friend." He shoved my down into my bed,"Oh I haven't ate kidneys of a crazy person yet. I wonder how y-" I elbowed the side of his head knocking his mask off onto the ground. I watched it fall as I turned back noticing the void he had for eyes. It was mesmerizing but I close my eyes ready to die. I feel him start cutting into my side. My legs buckled in pain and I opened my eyes watching him. He sighed softly,"It is different doing this to someone that isn't screaming in pain begging to be spared." He cuts one off and sews it shut so it would heal right. He moved off of me eating it in front of me. I watched him confused as to why he didn't kill me. I laid down curling up into a ball,"Give me my knife back." He sets it down next to me before lifting me up,"I got something you should see but you can't know the way there." He smiled happily before knocking me out.
I woke up in a different room. There was faint talking and I was extremely confused. My side was bandaged and I looked at my wrists and there were strange symbols. I frowned when I realized what they were. "Proxy." I mumbled to myself. I looked at the door and stood up. I looked at my outfit and frowned at it. It was different but I liked it. The shirt was a plain blouse that had a corset on top. For bottoms it was jeans. I walked over to the door twisting the handle only to get hit in the face with the door. I fell onto my butt as a male voice gasped and apologized. A tentacle picked me up and I nearly freaked out,"S-Slender man!" He noticed and nodded,"Yes?" He sets me down on the floor and I looked around,"Where am I? Why am I the proxy. Is there a return button or something cause I want to die. I'm useless and a piece of cra-" Jack grabbed my chin roughly,"Shut up." I looked at him shocked by his words,"Your not useless. What happened to you shouldn't have happened. So shut up and stop abusing yourself." I nodded in response and Jeff said,"Damn Jack I've never seen you act like this." Jack looked at him,"I've never seen someone interested in you." I pulled away from him sensing the tension and a small girl pulled on my shirt. I looked at her and then bear smiled at me. I rubbed my eyes and it went back to normal. Slender man erased the marks from my wrist,"Jeff stop drawing on people." He shrugged it off leaving.
Slender man said,"(y/n) your a creepypasta now. You've been one ever since you killed your friend." My eyes widened,"What was that?" He pushed a chair by me and I sat down. He continued,"You killed him. You snapped after a while and killed him. Then you started to see him after that and you killed your parents. After the teenagers kicked your pup around you killed them there. Sometimes your brain twists the truth to save you from going into insanity." I held my head in my hands,"Your lying." Slender man showed me footage of me committing the deeds.
I pulled away knocking the chair over,"No! I wouldn't hurt anyone that wasn't at fault!" Sally said,"You killed your parents." I shook my head,"Stop it!" The walls shook as the room covered with dark shadows crying in pain. Slender man knocked me out and I stopped.

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