Chapter Two: No longer you

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I woke up on the bed remembering everything I did. I cried silently wanting to die. Why!?why...why did I kill my only friend. It made me so angry and confused. I felt this blood lust until a hand was on my thigh. I saw it was Jack and I removed his mask gently. I held it in my hands rubbing the surface with my thumbs. He watched me as I accidentally freeze it. I let go of it and rewarm it. I looked at the bed and sighed softly,"So I really did kill them. Didn't I?" He nodded and takes the mask back putting it back on. I stand up and he said,"I hope you like the mirror and dresser. It is your old things." I nodded and looked in the mirror. I looked dead. My skin was so white I could glow in the dark, my eyes were dull and lifeless, at least my hair was the same, I had a drawing on my lips it reminded me of the day of the dead face paintings they do. Except it was permanently on my left side of my lips (or just look at the cover of the story). EJ asked,"How are you feeling." I crossed my arms looking at him,"I feel like I should be punished for my actions." He sighed softly,"Most feel like that at first but what you did. There was no remorse." I looked down at the floor as the door opened. A blonde hair male came in and I recognized him as Ben. He said,"Sup newbie. You seem depressed maybe it is better eyeless here is all over you." I smiled faintly laughing softly. It felt good to laugh again.
Ben hands me a PB&J sandwich. I eat some of it. Jack wiped my face and I looked at him,"Your crying." I stand up moving away from them,"Yeah can I go back to town right now." Jack sighed softly,"We already made your funeral. Would you wish to see if anyone really cared?" I nodded. He hands me a navy blue hoodie. I put it on and it was really loose and too big. I sniffed the jacket and I looked at Jack,"It's yours." He nodded,"What do you expect. It was a clean one it's dirty one." I put the hood on,"fine."
I watched my empty coffin sit on the stand as no one was around other than the priest. I noticed a male that was fit. My memory remembers him from that night when I killed the jocks that kicked my dog. He had black short hair with blue eyes. He had snakebites and four piercings on his left ear. He placed a white rose on my coffin and I watched the Caucasian male stroke my coffin. Jack grabbed my wrist and I asked,"Can I see who it is at least?" Jack let go and let me jump down vanishing. I moved closer and my body did the work of keeping me out of sight. I heard his voice. It was sweet and soothing as he said,"Hey (y/n). I know you didn't know me well but I've been trying hard to help clear you name but.." I heard he sniffle and try not to cry with his voice wavering,"Maybe if I told you I was there and wasn't a wimp you wouldn't have killed yourself. I'm sorry." I watched him hug the coffin sobbing silent. I wiped a tear from my face and walked over to him rubbing his back. I pulled the hood over my face and I whispered,"I heard you loud and clear." Some of the morning fog surrounded us helping a bit. He was startled and looked at me. He hugged me close squeezing me so hard I though he was going to break me. My hood slipped off and he pulled away touching my cheek,"Y-Your here your really here." I looked at him curiously as he placed his forehead on mine,"Don't you remember me in middle school? I was the kid that put two pretzels sticks in my mouth and said,'Hey look I'm a vampire.'" My mind went to that memory and I teared up,"Jason." He smiled happily holding me there until I heard a snap. I tensed and I saw Jeff he frowned,"Damn it." I pulled out my gun shooting at his feet,"Get out and stop spying." Jeff chuckled,"Alright but don't blame me if you get hurt in the end." I watched him leave and stand up,"I got to go Jason." Jack saw me and said,"Wow. You just leave him like that." I nodded,"I gave him something to long for after all. We were going to graduate this year from college but. That isn't going to happen."
I followed him to the mansion. I looked at a radio and went to the CD's. I saw a song that I used to listen to when I was down. I put it in and started to hum the lyrics to Falling Inside the Black by Skillet. I started to dance a bit thinking I was alone. I blushed darkly as the song finished and I heard some slow clapping. I looked at Jeff covered in blood and he said,"No I didn't kill your boy toy but next time you should include us." I nodded and went back upstairs to find one of the doors opened. I was a bit curious so I peaked my head in. I saw EJ and I opened the door more and I saw my kidney in a jar. I sat down next to him,"That isn't creepy." He looked at me with his mask on and I take it off putting it on my face. I didn't see anything but I felt something on my forehead. I take it off my face and I saw some gum on it. I take it off and threw it away sitting by him,"So...Um would you like to maybe be friends." Jack nodded,"Yeah sure." I smiled happily and rubbed the mask again with my thumb.
I heard a faint sound that sounded like a heartbeat but when I noticed it it stopped. I looked around and Jack poked my cheek,"Hey you ok?" I looked at him snapping out of it,"Yeah." I looked at the tentacle around my stomach and he looked down at where I was looking,"What are you seeing?" I close my eyes and rubbed them. Jack puts the mask on me and picked me up. I was confused but I let it happen until he laid me on the bed and then I kicked him away afraid. He takes the mask off and said,"Look your fine." I looked around in a panic and my chest slowly stopped pumping as I got control. He sat away from me as I calmed down and he said,"You seem to be used to being alone and seeing things but now. You got people so don't be afraid to tell us."

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