No Playa Boy Can Win My Love

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Chapter 2: No Playa Boy Can Win My Love

Joey walked through the large marble doors, staring in awe at the delicate architecture that was the palace of Pious. It was nothing like Ghaffar, his home town. This place truly screamed of wealth and powerful people. Wrinkling his nose up at that thought, Joey proceeded to be escorted by an older looking man, who had introduced himself as Rolland, through an immaculate parlor room and into a great sized sitting room. Perhaps he shouldn't have left his guards outside. He didn't feel comfortable with the thought of being alone there with Seto. Duke had even stayed behind, despite the brunette's wishes. Although Joey wanted his friend with him during this tough time, he knew that he had to do this on his own. So he had taken other guards with him. He just hoped that Seto wouldn't be too difficult to deal with. Oh who was he kidding? Of course he would be.

The brunette in question was sitting in a fancy looking chair and reading a book, square glasses perched on the edge of his nose. Joey stared at him before quirking an eyebrow upwards at this. Seto wore glasses?

"Well, I'm here," Joey announced loudly with annoyance high in his voice. "You gonna make me clean your floors or lick your boots? Because if you demand I do either of those things you'll be looking for a new fiancé in a matter of seconds."

Seto had looked up at Joey during the blond's ramble. He had been surprised to see Joey even there in the first place, as he had been thinking he'd have to go and get him himself. Closing the book, he sat it aside and took his glasses off to place in an inner pocket of his coat.

"You came here willingly, I see. I must ask you though Wheeler, did you really miss me that badly?" Seto asked him with a small smirk, knowing the reaction he would be getting from the blond. This marriage was going to be an amusing one and extremely entertaining, he was positive about that.

As expected, Joey puffed up with anger like a furious cat and grew red in the face. "As if, ya bastard!"

Rolland opened his mouth to scold Joey of his foul language to his King, but Seto silenced him with a hand. "You may leave Rolland, I can take care of my fiancé."

Rolland seemed to look conflicted but unwillingly made himself leave the room. Seto then gestured for the chair next to him that was equally as fancy as the one he was sitting on. "Have a seat Wheeler."

Joey looked like he wanted to argue but seeing as he'd been on a horse for 5 hours, he didn't want to object to sitting down in a comfy looking chair. So he walked over and sat. And looked as grumpy as he could.

"Good boy," Seto couldn't help but praise and Joey practically growled back at him, widening Seto's smirk. "All right well, let's get down to business. My event planners will be here tomorrow afternoon and will immediately begin planning our wedding" – Joey growled at the word but Seto continued on as if he hadn't heard it – "Tonight however, we will be having a dinner so you can officially meet my younger brother. And I strongly suggest you watch your mouth around him. He's only eleven."

Joey looked over at Seto curiously at the mention of a brother. He hadn't known that Seto had siblings. "Younger brother?"

Seto rolled his eyes at Joey's senselessness. "Yes, younger brother. As in, a male child born to my parents a few years after I was."

Joey immediately scowled. "I know what a younger brother is ya jerk! I was just surprised you had one. You've never mentioned him before."

Seto leaned back in his chair, hands firmly gripping the arms. "Why should I when you are constantly barking at me every time I see you? I'm sorry, but I don't usually divulge personal information with people who are disruptive in my life."

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