So I Went and Walked Away

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Seto sat in his head chair of the dining room table the next morning for breakfast and not at all enjoying the uncomfortable atmosphere he found himself in. Mokuba was at his left as always and hadn't spoken a word to anyone since Seto had informed him of Joey's disappearance. The poor boy looked absolutely crestfallen and Seto wanted to wring Joey's neck for causing his brother to hurt. Didn't he realize how much he meant to the boy? Seto scowled down at his tea cup, watching the steam rise with no interest. Of course Joey didn't. He didn't think of anyone but himself. He was so busy throwing a fit over how unfair his life was to care what he was putting anyone else through.

And then there was the fact that Kisara was at his right, in Joey's chair – as Seto had seemed to think of it as. She too looked a bit upset, but Seto assumed it was because she wasn't being paid enough attention to. Her blue eyes kept wondering over to him with curiosity but she never said anything. It was starting to irritate him.

"Kisara," he finally said, breaking the awkward silence that had reigned on them for far too long in his opinion. The white haired girl looked up at him with wide crystal blue eyes with hope swimming in them. He wasn't sure what she was hoping for, but he was positive it had nothing to do with what he was about to ask. "You never told me why you were here. Let alone, showing up at one o'clock in the morning."

Mokuba's stormy grey eyes lifted to Kisara as well just as her cheeks pinked from apparent embarrassment.

"Oh, of course! I'm sure my appearance was quite odd," she giggled, sending the tinkling sound echoing throughout the empty dining room hall. Seto almost winced and he was sure Mokuba's frown deepened. Laughter was definitely out of place at that moment.

Kisara seemed to realize she wasn't being thought of as cute, while Seto continued to level his gaze at her with no emotion at all. Her smile faltered. "Well, I saw you and your fiancé on television and I wanted to wish you a happy marriage. I left my palace as soon as I could and just happened to get there at that time," she explained and with the mention of Joey, Seto's eyes slid downwards to his tea cup again. "If you don't mind me asking, though. Was the boy you were fighting with last night… was that him?"

Seto's shoulders stiffened and his eyes narrowed into a scowl. He didn't want to talk about Joey and he really didn't want Kisara there. Her appearance had been the distraction that Joey had needed to leave and a part of him was blaming her for the blond's departure.

With Seto's silence, Kisara took it as a yes. She studied his face for a moment, seeing the heavily guarded expression he was making. Reaching over, she placed her hand over his to comfort him. Seto's hand tensed underneath her touch and he locked eyes with her. "I'm sorry. For whatever happened between you too. You two seemed quite happy with each other."

Seto felt like that was enough and his anger with her along with his emotions towards Joey was piling on top of him. Pulling his hand out from underneath hers with a jerk, he glowered down at her. "You don't know anything about us," he stated firmly as he stood from the table and left without another word.

Mokuba turned in his seat to watch Seto leave before his eyes trained back to Kisara who looked stunned by his older brother's behavior. His grey eyes narrowed suspiciously. He had never trusted the girl. She was always hanging all over his brother whenever she was around and their father had always been doting over her and Seto from the get go. It made perfect sense to him as to why she had suddenly shown up. She had seen Seto happy with someone else and had gotten jealous.

"Why are you really here?" Mokuba couldn't help but ask and Kisara's blue eyes snapped to his.

"What on earth are you talking about Mokuba?" she asked in a sickeningly sweet voice that made Mokuba's toes curl.

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