It's A Wicked Game That You're Making Me Play

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The next morning, Joey awoke on his own time and was quite thankful for it. He'd had a hard time falling asleep in a new bed and the stress of knowing he had to deal with Seto's engagement to him was keeping his mind spinning in circles. Rubbing his head, he climbed out of bed and headed for the bathroom that was connected to his room. Taking a shower should help him feel better.

Afterwards, he decided that it didn't help him feel better at all. When he should have felt well rested, he actually didn't. Throwing a brush through his hair, appreciating the accommodating necessities that were in the bathroom, Joey then dressed and decided he'd better make an appearance.

However, when he tried the door handle, he found that it was locked. With a frown, Joey tried the handle again. And then tried to break through it by ramming his body into it. When neither of those worked, he became frustrated and knew exactly why his door was locked. Seto thought he was actually going to make a break for it. Paranoid bastard.

Turning for his phone on the nightstand to call Rolland, he was surprised to hear his door unlock and open – revealing Rolland in the doorway. "Prince Wheeler. Good to see you're awake," he stated, clearly relieved that he didn't have to wake him up again. "Your appearance is needed down in the sitting room. The planners have arrived."

Joey practically growled in irritation as he pushed past Rolland and stomped all the way down the stairs. Planners. Well, they'd plan all right. Seto's funeral. Haha, that'd be great, he thought with wicked amusement. Straightening himself up before entering the sitting room, and hearing Rolland's footsteps close behind him, Joey saw Seto speaking with the planners conversationally.

"No need to worry, Prince Wheeler has arrived!" he said with a wide forced grin, throwing himself in between Seto and the planner he had been speaking with.

Seto glared down at Joey as he had been cut off in mid sentence, but appreciating that the blond had decided to show up after all. He'd of thought after last night that he'd have to be brought down kicking and screaming. "We weren't worried," Seto retorted before turning his attention back to the planner, now having to look around the blond in order to see the woman's face. "As I was saying, light blue is a very happy color and" –

"Light blue?! Is that what my dear fiancé has told you? I always say red is the best, if you pardon my terrible rhyming," Joey cut in to the planner, giving her a wink which she reddened at with wide brown eyes. "Red and black, I say."

All of the planners in the room stopped fussing over photos and clipboards in order to listen in to the new change of colors. Seto behind Joey silently fumed. The planner in front of them seemed to be conflicted now and she was having a hard time knowing if she should write any of this down or not. She was after all Seto's planner, not Joey's, but as it was their wedding she'd have to listen to both.

"The colors red and black are not appropriate for a wedding," Seto finally spoke up, glaring at the blond's head. "Light blue and white are much more graceful and bright. Everyone who will be there will agree."

"Light blue and white are too common in weddings!" Joey argued with a laugh, still keeping his charade of being too happy about everything. "Why not try something different and off the wall, like the actual couple who's getting married?"

"Because red and black are for funerals," Seto replied flatly with narrowed eyes as Joey looked back at him.

"Exactly," Joey answered darkly and locked eyes with the brunette.

Seto felt his anger with Joey rise and Joey felt proud. He was getting the exact reaction he had wanted. The planner beside them was staring at them through wide, confused eyes.

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