The Legend of Wattpad: Zelda Magazine

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I am gonna first start out by stating: There will be some serious spoilers so if you don't mind, keep reading. If you do, stop and don't complain. 

So this is a magazine about Legend of Zelda (duh)
What I will be doing here is doing articles on theories, opinions on the games, submitted Zelda fanfiction short stories. All of that good stuff. So if you have a theory, opinion, or short story, hit me up and IM me what you want me to publish in the magazine. My first article will be on a theory, so check it out later after I publish it. 

This was just to tell you what the magazine was all about. Enjoy the magazine guys! It will be update weekly. Every tuesday :3

The Legend of Wattpad: Zelda MagazineWhere stories live. Discover now