Article Five: Opinion On Hyrule Warriors.

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What's this? A new type of article has appeared!

Yes, guys. A new type of article. I know, I know. "It's been forever since you last posted, Midna!"

I know. I couldn't think of anything to write about, so I decided to bring out a new type of article. So far, I've only done theories, and theories are great! Don't get me wrong, I love writing about theories. But, I've run out of theories that I have sufficient knowledge of, and it's summer. I don't want to be researching a theory right now. So, instead, I am contradicting myself and researching a game! Isn't that great? So! About the new type of article, then to get to the article! 

I call this article an Opinion article. I choose topc, such as a game or something in a game, and I write my opinion on the topic. Then you guys read it and comment your opinions. You also tell me what I should write about next as usual. It could be a theory, a short story, or a topic to give my opinion on. Sounds simple enough. Lets get to it!

So, there has been a lot of hype over a new game that is coming out called Hyrule Warriors. I don't know much about it, only that it's going to be a game kind of like Super Smash Bros. with only Legend of Zelda characters. I'm going to kind of research it as I am typing this, so I am not completely uneducated on the game. 

First thing's first. According to what I've read, it's just like all the other games because the balance of the Triforce has bee disrupted. Nothing new there. But, there is something that is new. Instead of Ganon being responsible, it's a new character named Sorceress Cia. Now, everyone tolerated when Ganon was replaced by Demise in Skyward Sword, but that was because Ganon is the reincarnation of Demise. But, this a whole new person. Zelda fans have been used to the use of Ganon as the main enemy. Except for Majora's mask, but that was because Majora's mask was the sequel to Ocarina. Ganon was already defeated, and Link was also dead. Read article three for more on that. I'd be really okay if it was like SS and TP where the enemy you thought was responsible was actually working for Ganon/Demise, but it sounds to me like this Cia person is the main enemy here, and I don't think I like it very much.

I do love how Midna is included in this game. I don't understand how she could be included since Midna shattered the Mirror into the Twilight and therefore can't leave the Twlight. Unless, of course, she found another way. Which I doubt. I do like that you can play any of these characters at any time. I'd love to be able to play as Midna. 

Another thing that I've read is that you get to go through a bunch of places that have been in all the Zelda games. It also looks like they have to be reclaimed cause they've been taken over. That sounds cool, actually. I don't know about you guys, but I'm down with that. That's a cool twist that I wanna play. If only I had a Wii U..

According to Nintendo, you have to face armies of some of the enemies you've face throughout the games. Also, there are going to be new types of enemies. I think that the use of new enemies and old enemies is inevitable. I don't know how I feel about sending an army of them out to battle two players... That is one that I'd have to think about, but maybe you guys have an idea. That's all for this article!

So, guys, comment your opinion on this... opinon and make sure to vote!

And if you have your own theory or opinion IM me and I might put it in the magazine! 

If you have a theory or topic that you want me to cover, comment it and I will try to cover it.

If you have any short stories, IM those to me too and I also might put those in the magazine.

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