Article Seven: My First Interview!

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Hey, guys. This is another new type of article. An interview. Yes, I know, a lot of new articles. That's because I still haven't done that many. Anyways, I've interviewed LegendOfZeldaChic, the writer of the last story I reviewed, and this is what went down.
1. How long have you been a writer on Wattpad?
I've been on Wattpad for about a year and a half now. I had a "book" that I was writing, but I wasn't really interested in it. I deleted it and started actually writing Timeless a few months afterwards.
2. What's you're favorite book series?
My favorite series? Wow, that's a hard one. I read a LOT. Probably either Harry Potter or the Evernight series. There's several others that our way up on my list as well though :).
3. How did you choose your username?
I chose my username because it was the same as my iFunny username at the time, and I wanted to keep things simple to remember lol :)
4. How many stories are you currently working on?
I'm actually working on about 5 stories right now, only 2 of which are on Wattpad. One I am co-writing with a friend of mine.
5. Are you only a fanfiction writer?
I am not just a fanfiction writer. I never thought I'd actually get into fanfictions until I started Timeless.
6. If not, how many original stories have you written?
I've written about 6 original works over the years. I've also done short stories and a few poems, but not many.
7. Who is you're favourite author?
My favorite author is probably Stephinie Meyers or Alyson Noel.
8. Who is you're favourite Wattpad author?
My favorite Wattpad author would be @lanixo. I really don't read on here as much as I'd like, but her stories are really good and when I do read it's often hers. There are obviously many more authors that I enjoy though.
9. Anything else you'd like to add?
I'd just like to thank anyone who's read my stories. I really hope you enjoy! :)

So, there you have it! You just got to delve into the mind of LegendOfZeldaChic! Go check out the last article and see my review of her story, Timeless, then you should check out the story itself!

So, guys, comment your opinion on this article and make sure to vote!
And if you have any theories of your own IM me and I might put it in the magazine! 
If you have a theory that you want me to cover, comment it and I will try to cover it.
If you have any  short stories, IM those to me too and I also might put those in the magazine.
And if you have any fanfictions you want me to check out and review, comment some links for me!
Also, if you are a writer of Legend of Zelda fanfictions, and you want some publicity, message me and I'll send you some interview questions and the Q&A will be published as an article!

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