All This Confusion is Unraveled

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"So, let me get this straight, I was asleep this whole time? And, Nanomi is not a murderer? And, she didn't cut through your eye, Nagito? Am I hearing this correctly?" I ask.

"Yes. Everything you said is correct." Fuyuhiko explains. I sit myself up and support myself on my pillows.

"Ok. So, who is Nanomi anyway?" I ask.

"She's a friend of ours." Fuyuhiko explains. He sits on the bed next to me. "I know you just slept for almost 2 days, but I think you need more rest."

"Huh?" I question.

"Yeah. You seem very frazzled." Nagito says. "Just lay down and rest. You don't have to fall asleep. Just relax." He puts a hand gently on my head and the other on my chest and smiles. He kisses my head and lays me back down slowly. Both Fuyuhiko and Nagito walk out the room. I lay in my bed. Nagito and Fuyuhiko sit on my sofa.

"Hey, do you think Hajime has any beverages?" Fuyuhiko asks.

"Yeah. You can just go get something from the kitchen." Nagito tells Fuyuhiko. "Hajime wouldn't mind." Fuyuhiko goes into the kitchen and gets himself a drink. I walk out of my room and go into the living room and see Nagito.

"Hey, Komaeda, I have another question. Did Nanomi accidentally cut you? Or on purpose?" I ask.

"It was only an accident. She tripped and she accidentally cut me a little with her fingernail."  Nagito explains. "Now, please go back to bed." Nagito smiles. 

"Ok. *yawn*" I say. I walk back to bed. Nagito and Fuyuhiko are kind of quiet. About a few minutes later I come back out. "Hey, Nagito, did you have to go to the hospital after she cut you?" I ask.

"Yes. I had to get a few stitches. But I'm fine." Nagito says. "Now back to bed, you." He says softly. He gets up and puts a hand on my shoulder and walks me back to my room. He walks back to Fuyuhiko. "He has a lot of questions." Nagito laughs a little. They both relax and gaze upon the beautiful pinkish-orange morning sky. They gaze upon each other with hazy happiness. I come out of my bedroom again.

"I thought we told you to back to bed." Fuyuhiko says. He laughs a little with delight.

"I know. Heh. But I have another question. What happened while I was asleep?" I ask.

"Ok, so I came over to see you Yesterday morning and you were asleep. So I went out for a walk. I saw Chiaki on my way and went to go say hello. She was also walking towards me and she tripped and fell into me. She accidentally cut me a little under my eye. She offered to walk with me to the hospital. So, yes. It was an accident. And when I got back from the hospital, I came back here to see you. You were still asleep. It was almost 10:00 pm. So I decided to go home. I came back this morning and you were still asleep. I called Fuyuhiko over cause I was getting worried. And now, we're here." Nagito explains. They both look at me with kind eyes. 

"Ok, thank you." I say.

"You're welcome. Now go back to bed. You know what, I'll come with you. Put your kimono on and I'll be right there." Nagito says. I go back in my room and get my kimono on and Nagito walks in. "All set?"

"Yes." I say. I get into my bed and Nagito sits next to me.

"Now just try and fall asleep." Nagito says. I lay down and breathe quietly. I look around at the afternoon sun pouring into my window. I watch with stillness and happiness. Then I hear something. Something beautiful.

"🎤You think you own whatever land you land on. The earth is just a dead thing you can claim. But I know every rock and tree and creature has a life, has a spirit, has a name 🎤" I just listen and wonder who is singing so beautifully. Then I notice, it's Nagito's voice. I look at him and smile as he continues to sing. "🎤You think the only people who are people, are the people who look and think like you. But if you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you'll learn things you never knew you never knew.🎤"" I start to drift asleep as Nagito gets to the melody of the song. And before long, I'm asleep. But Nagito still sings in his rich beautiful voice. "🎤Have you ever heard the wolf cry to the new core moon? Or asked the pretty bobcat why he grinned? Can you sing with all the voices of the mountain? Can you paint with all the colors of the wind? Can you paint with all the colors of the wind?🎤 " He finishes the perfect song with a beautiful melody. Then, seeing me asleep, he smiles, kisses my head, and walks out.

The song Nagito sang: "Colors Of The Wind" from the movie Pochauntis (sry. I can't spell)

Nagito x Hajime: True LoveWhere stories live. Discover now