About University

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Okay, so I'm kinda,  sort of terrified of going to university. Now mind you, I'm not terrified. Only kinda, sorta.

Everyone around me has been like: 'It's natural, this a new thing, stop worrying etc etc.'

But here's the thing. I'm a major league worrier. Telling me not to worry is just going to make me worry about whether I'd choose the right university, the right courses, get a good enough scholarship or financial aid and the rest of the myriad of things any about-to-go-to-university individual would think about.

Whenever I worry out loud to my mom, she always tells me to imagine the worst case scenario and its solution.

For example, if I'm worried about an exam, I should imagine the worst thing that could happen: failure. Then what's its solution? Retaking the exam.

That actually hasn't really helped me in this situation because if I mess up, then the majority of my life just might mess up with me and then I'll be royally screwed.

Fingers crossed that that doesn't happen.

KC (circa 2017; before it all).

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