Last Semester

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Last semester was ... something. I mean, I did pretty fine academically (so close to a 3.5), made some professional money moves and was bored for a good amount of time. I had fun with people yes, watched a bunch of movies and TV both on my own and with others but I had little adventure. I barely talked with my family even though stuff was going around me and barely explored my college town. And I suffered from a curious case of something I call friendship adjacency.

I was surrounded by people. I had people I could say hi to, fill white-boards with, play card games. But I did not feel close to them. Research says that you need 200 hours to move from acquaintance to close friend. I had an 18 hour course load, I am an Engineering student in the honors college, my advisory said I spend about 50 hours class and on assignments and preparations. And I'm and introvert, I like my own head. But when I get out of it, I'd love to have people I can talk to, engage idea with, have adventures

Friendship Adjacency (noun).

You are always the one calling, texting. You find out about group meet-ups online. And when you are together, its by chance not invitation, you are on the edge, lagging behind. You like these people, and you know they like you but it does not flow. Because you're an afterthought.

I'm terrified of graduating alone. Again. But I'm back home and there's only so many times you can text without seeming clingy.

- KC

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