Our First Words

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 It was my period before lunch once more and I was planning on going to the nurse's office.  I did feel bad that the door had a dent in it because of me so I wanted to help the nurse out in cleaning the door. The bell rang and I cheerfully walked to the nurse's office with bag in hand. As I walked into the room the nurse looked at me.

           "Are you feeling better, what's wrong?"

           "Yes I'm better thank you, I was just wondering if I could help clean the door off a little since it was my fault the the door was dented."

           "Oh it's not your fault you don't have to worry about such things" said the nurse.

           "but I feel as a student I should do this.  Can you give me the supplies to clean it?"

           "If you insist. Here is the wash cloth the soap and the water bucket."

           "Thank you mam"

           "No thank you"

           I exited the room and headed towards the door a little nervous. I really do feel bad, it really is my fault that it got that huge dent in it. I should apologize. No, people will think I'm weird, I can't.  But that's the polite thing to do. I have to, I owe it to the door.  I took a deep breath as I reached the door. It's so tall and big, I don't know what to do.

        I opened the door and prop it so that it stays open. I try not to look at it as not to make myself nervous. I put the tools the nurse gave me down and grabbed the bucket I went to the girls restroom and fill it half way. As I walked back to the door it was closed. I looked inside but there was no one there. Why did it want to be closed? I don't know, maybe I should wash it that way and be inside the room instead. I stopped at the door and turned the knob and walked in. I let the door close behind me and I set the bucket down. I grabbed the soap and squirted it into the bucket while glancing at the door. I put the washcloth in the bucket and it became wet, along with my hand. I stood in front of the door.  And I could feel my face getting hot. I couldn't stop myself,

          "Hey," I paused right before I continued, still not believing I had said that,  "I'm sorry, I'm sorry about that yesterday."  I didn't hear anything in reply. That was so stupid of me I shouldn't have said anything. After that thought I heard the door moan as if it were moving, but it wasn't.  That made me so happy I couldn't help but giggle. I continued to the top most of the door, gently. "Thanks for talking to me, it made me really happy."

           I finished with the washing and rung the dirty cloth in the almost empty bucket. I picked up the bucket along with the soap and I grabbed for that handle but it turned on its own and the door opened. I blushed some more and tried to hide my face.

        "Goodbye" I said to him shyly.

        "Creeek" it replied.

        "I'll see you tomorrow" I told in a soft voice.  I then ran the other way with my bag in my arm. That experience was so exciting I couldn't wipe the grin off my face.

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