The break Up

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 The bell rang for lunch and I sat waiting for Ichinose to come to me.  She took a couple of minutes but then she packed up and walked to my desk.  

    "Ok, are you ready to go?"

    "Yes" I say with little certainty.

   "Oh wait, hold on, I need to go to the restroom.  

We sit behind the last class in the hall."

    She walked away swiftly as her skirt floated behind her. I don't remember the last skirt I wore. They don't look very flattering on me anyway.

   I looked up and I was outside a few meters away from her boyfriend.  He seems like a screw up, he is pretty though.  Well, you never know until you talk to someone,  so I decided to finally go up to him, he had so much cologne on I almost had to plug my nose but I figured that would be rude. I slowly walked up to him due to my shy nature.  He looked at me when he heard a twig snap.

  "Who's that?" He asked in a gruff voice.

  "Um, hi, I'm Maki, the girl who is supposed to sit with you and Ichinose."

  "Oh you're the girl. You're kind of ugly but you will work."

  "Wha-?" I didn't even get to finish my one word and his hand was on my thigh moving up as he turned me around and pinned me to the wall. I felt a sharp pain in the back of my head.  He forced his mouth on mine, and I struggled for breath. I pushed with all my strength on his chest to force myself free, he wouldn't let go of me. Since pushing on the chest didn't work I decided a swift kick to the crotch would loosen his grip on me. When he slowed me to take a breath I used my remaining strength to punch him.  He screamed in agony even though I'm not that strong. I turn to run away but then see Ichinose staring at us. I stop and look at her.

       She will think I tried to make out with her boyfriend, what am I going to do? I need to tell her what happened before she make false accusations.

    I started to open my mouth when her boyfriend started talking "babe, babe, this stupid girl, she just, was all up on me, and I tried to push her off and-"

      "No Kawa I've been watching" my mouth gaped open in surprise, "I know what you do I've heard rumors and this was a test to see if they were true" she paused sighing in disappointment "were through."

     "Hey, babe you don't need to go that far" he tried to convince her.

     "Go!" She yelled at him.  He picked up his bookcase and left, anger on his face.

      She turned to me, "I am so sorry about that I had a hunch about what was going on, I didn't want to involve you in this mess but I knew you didn't know what was happening so innocent is best." I smiled at her shyly still not knowing why it had to be me.

    I sat with her for a while knowing that I would have lunch with the door tomorrow and I don't even know how. I knew asking her about it would annoy her because she is now dealing with a break up.  I finished my lunch and we walked back to class.

                                                                                                  Me, Jelly:

Thank you everyone for reading my story it is coming close to an end so be prepared.  I know this sounds stupid but fan is appreciated.  From now on I will be showing the best comment from each chapter so feel free to comment on any of them.  And please, make you comment stupid.  Hope you enjoy the rest of the story.  

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