He's in my Dreams

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       It's late at night, and I look on my computer screen and type 'a meal for a door.'  I was talking to Ichinose during my last two periods about what she has for lunch. She explained to me that she eats with her boyfriend alone behind the school .  I asked her what they ate and she replied, "I make him a boxed lunch with all his favorite goodies!"  So here I am looking online for something to make it. Wait, shouldn't I have a name for the door? I can't just keep calling the door "it." Names are important to personalizing a person, a being, a thing.  It can't live without something to be named as. Then that just makes it a door and I feel that it is so much more. So much more than that.

        I'm getting off topic, I need to know what to make it for lunch. But how will I act around it when I give it the snack box.  I stare off into space for a couple of seconds, and then I realized that I could just ask Ichinose how to act.  She is with a guy every day, and she knows how to give him a lunch so what better than watching her interact with him?  Wait, will she let me? I would have to ask, and what if they kissed what would I do? I paused and sighed.

         It was cold tonight and I had some over sized gray pants along with a light pink poncho over my white t-shirt. I cuddled myself and became warm after the thought of the door came into my mind. I realize I should be going to sleep right about now because my eyes started to close without my consent.  I looked up at the ceiling, for no reason in particular but then my eyes were drawn to my bed with the thought of sleep. I was soon walking without control. My body slumped on my bed with force I didn't know I owned.  As I rolled to my back I looked to the sealing once more and my eyes shut.

         I walk around in nothing but black and then a light turns on. I look towards the light and get slightly blinded. I squint and blink as the light gets dimmer.  There, underneath the light, was the door. Except it was different, but I don't know what, I couldn't tell why.  It spoke. In a gruff voice but in a soft sense with kindness pouring out.

       "Hello Maki" it spoke.

       "Um how did you know my name" I said unable to say hello from my sheer surprise.

       "I see you walk by me every day, never truly smiling. Then you were walking and I saw what was going to hit you and I had to move even though it hurt I needed to do it for you.  I couldn't let a face like that get hit with something as simple as a rock."

    I slightly blushed as he flattered me and I began to giggle from my thoughts.

      "What's so funny" it asked as if it was offended.

     "You're a hopeless romantic" I replied with a smile tilting my head up.  

      It's hard wood became crimson as if rose petals were spilling through the cracks along its surface.  "I'm" he pause for a moment "sorry?"

     "No no, don't apologize I love hopeless romantics." I could feel my face getting hot and perspiring sweat because of my nervousness.  Everything began to turn black.

    "Wait what's happening?" I exclaim.

    "Don't worry it will be all right." I breathed out in relief at his words of comfort.  " you will see me in a little while, don't worry," he cooed. I started to close my eyes with ease, but then I felt tingling. It got stronger and felt as though my cat were scraping their claws across my body. I started to scream because of the pain. It soon felt like stabbing a knife in my neck. I screamed louder.

      "Maki, Maki?" It yelled in a faint voice, but the door was long gone.

       The pain stopped in one moment.  There was nothing.

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