I'll see you in my Dreams

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   It's the next day, the period before lunch.  I look out the window of the class, I see a couple sitting and laughing.  I wish that could be us- wait, what am I saying? It's just a friend, nothing more nothing less. The thought of that makes me feel lonely. I'm going to see him after class and give him lunch but I don't even know if he wants to see me again.  He probably doesn't. Maybe I shouldn't go through with this, no I have to, no no no.

     "Maki!" The teacher yelled.

     "Wha!" I yelled. He caught me off guard, I didn't even know he was calling my name.

      "I asked you if you knew the formula." After he said that everyone was staring at me. My face got hot and I could tell I was blushing.

     "Sorry, I wasn't paying attention"

     "Clearly" the teacher said rolling her eyes, "answer my question please."

     I took one look at the board and answered correctly. After that she continued with the class and I tried to stay focused.

    The bell rang and I was dismissed. I walked steadily towards the door and looked back not wanting to leave the room.  I head out having no reason to stay, I walk down the hallway slowly. I don't know if I'm going to stop at the door or keep going, should I stop?  I don't think I can talk to him I'm too nervous. I start to get closer to him my heart starts beating and my pace gets quicker.  can I stop now, is it too late? I look up and I see that I'm right in front of him. I can't turn to him. Turning would make me blush.

    Speaking quietly I say "hi" I tried to rush my words "I-I don't know if you wanted to see me because I didn't get to see you yesterday, I'm sorry I had something important to do." I paused, he said nothing.  I waited a little bit and then said, "You're mad aren't you?  You are" I look to him a little and he says nothing.  I want him to say something anything I don't care. I don't even think he's going to like the boxed lunch. I'll just go. I get up to leave and then stop what am I even going to do with this lunch? I don't have anyone else to give it to and I don't want my parents to see it. I take it out and set it in front of the door.  "This is why I wasn't here yesterday, i wanted to make this for you but I needed help and I didn't know how to give it to you." I turn and walk away, tears in my eyes, thinking that I will never see him again.

     "Creeeeek" it says. I turn to look back and see that the door was open. I can't go back now.  I try to walk away, "DON'T GO" the door says.  It was so loud and it echoed in the hall. But I'm not sure that he said words I just heard it moan and it just sounded like that.  I need to go back, he wants me to. It's not over, this friendship, this love it isn't over. He seems to be pulling me closer but he has nothing to pull with. I walk to him slowly and the door closes a little. Looking behind him I see the box but it's empty.

"Did you eat the food?" I said in aw. "But-but how? Oh I'm sorry to me rude." I grabbed the empty box and slid through the crack of the door. I got out my boxed lunch and sat in one of the old desks and ate. The thought of asking him if his lunch was good, was fresh in my mind. Asking him would be too needy and I didn't want him to think I was like that. I'll just, wait for tomorrow. I continued to eat my lunch addicted to the silence that was just me and him. At the same time I wanted him to tell me everything that was going through his mind.  Everything that he saw every complex idea about the silence we were continuing to have. I realize that I didn't like the silence I just liked the fact that I could be with him and he with me and words couldn't ruin the mood.

     "So, um, the weather is nice." Conversation starters are not really my specialty.

    "Your funny" the creek said.

    "Oh yeah because you are a door" I said realizing the stupidity of my comment. "Does it offend you when I ask you questions like that?"

    "No" it moaned "believe it or not" it paused for a few moments "I've never been asked that question."

   I could tell there was a smirk on his face and I laughed.  He's funny, I like that about him, I haven't really noticed that about him. I guess it's because we haven't really talked allot.  "Can you tell me about yourself, I would like to know?"  

   "I can't" it moaned softly and paused "when I talk I need to stop" it paused for a longer period of time, "I can't say more than a couple words" he stopped again "without it hurting." It took me a couple of seconds to realize what he meant. I paused for minutes on end.

    "So, wait, so you can't talk, without feeling pain? But, but why?" I realized what I had said. "Wait! Don't answer me, I don't want to hurt you."  How could my thought process change so fast.  Just some time ago I wanted him to tell me everything, and now I want him to tell me nothing. And then I remembered I had something to tell him, and he didn't have to say anything.  "That was you, in my dream last night, you talked to me and comforted me. I want to see you again, and that way you don't even have to talk to me and feel the pain."  The bell rang and I had a new idea in my head. "I need to go." I ran to the door after picking up my bag.

     "Noo" he started to say.

     "Shh," I whispered while putting my palm on the door and grabbing the handle "I'll see you in my dreams."  

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