The Outcome of Love's Dream

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I awoke in a pool of sweat as the alarm was blaring it's noise in my ear. I looked at the ceiling once more.  There was nothing there for me. I clicked the button of my alarm off and lay back down. I remembered bits and pieces of my dream, and then I remembered my pain.  I rushed to the bathroom mirror, hair flying, and saw.  Nothing.  I was expecting claw-marks and scabs, however my neck was clean, and I sat, shocked.  Where did the pain come from? It was a black blinding darkness in which I could see nothing. How did I feel anything it was a dream?  I looked into the mirror once more to make sure there was nothing and headed out the bathroom to clothe myself.  I was soon at the school by the way of walking.  I walked in the home room and sat in my chair feeling exhausted and deprived of sleep.

         He was there, in my mind, in my soul.  There is so much more I could have said but I didn't know that there was such little time. I could have touched him.   

       "Wait" I said aloud not realizing i was doing so.

       "Wait what?" Said Ichinose stopping my thought process.

       I looked up at her, and then realized I was speaking out loud.  "Oh hi" I said trying to act normal. I glanced at her neck and saw a light pink bandage with just a dab of glitter. She saw me staring at her neck, and felt it.

            She moved her hand along her neck and realized what I was looking at, "hey, you like my bandage?"

        "Yah, what happened?" I asked a little concerningly.

   "Oh nothing my boyfriend just got a little hard on the love" she paused "if you know what I mean." She ended with a giggle.  I did know what she meant.

      "I see you have been looking at this bandage, would you like one too?"

      "Oh really?" I looked at her in shock. I didn't realize I was staring at it so much.

     "Yes really, you're like my best friend." I didn't know we were best friends.  

    "Um since we're friends" I said a little nervously "I wanted to tell you something a little personal".

     "What is it, you can tell me anything?" She assures me.

     "Well I kind of like this guy," I barely paused and she squealed with delight.  

    "Ohhh tell me more!"

   "And I want to give him a homemade lunch to show him that I'm interested in him.  I wanted to know if I could, um, hang out with you and your

boyfriend to see how it works."  

  She gasped and looked at me astonished.  "You, like someone?"

   "Um yah" I said unsure what the next question would be.

   "Oh, tell me all about him!" She spoke louder than she should. "What does he look like? Does he go to this school?  Is he a model?"  She asked too many questions it spun my head in circles. Before I could even start the bell rang.

  "Oh" she said hurriedly "meet me behind the school, we'll be waiting for you."  She was hurrying back to her desk and came back, to my surprise. "Oh that's right," "you wanted one of my bandages."  She pulled one out of her pocket and hands it to me. I take it with quick haste.  I wonder when I will ever need this?

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