I - Alive on the Outside

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Unspoken words remain held tightly
My arms wrapped around nothing
And I feel empty, clutching for warmth
But I know it will never come.
Holding back the scream inside
I will never let out so long as I try
But when no one comes and I'm alone
Maybe some noise may escape.

I'll sew my own mouth shut
So no one else can take the blame
After I fall and don't recover but
Still I will always remain, untouched,
Unable to feel the things I read about
And knowing that they cannot exist
But I try to dream of warmth like no other
Not the warmth of flame, or wool.

Listening dully with closed ears
Yet always hearing the noise I can't bear.
Crying, screams, sobs and confusion
Yet the sounds are still and motionless.
Hearing the sorrow of the rest
I will never let my own show
For I am not them, nor they are me
And the shame would consume us all.

The taste of the lonesome
Is filled with bittersweetness, while
Most order the other options given
On the menu of life and choices they chose.
I will order the odd, the unfortunate
But if given a choice I would order joy too.
Never the less I watch them consume,
The meals I so envy, soon to be gone.

Take a whiff of this life
In all of its glory because once it's gone
The sweet scent will not return
Not for you, me or anybody.
So enjoy it while it lasts, it can't
Be so bad. After all, you're here
And what better place enjoy the aroma of
The victory of knowing you're alive.

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