XII - Mask

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He walks, he talks, he smiles and he laughs,
So no one bothers to ask how he feels.

So he keeps walking, talking, smiling and laughing,
Still no one notices he's wearing a mask.

The mask has grown strong resting on his face,
He fears he might never get it off again.

But she noticed the fault in his step,
The edge in his speech, the ghost in his smile and laugh.

He met her one day and she told him what she saw,
And for the first time in a while he removed the mask.

He had grown used to his walk, talk, smile and laugh,
He hadn't known what he was holding back.

From that day on the mask was broken,
And he never intended on wearing it again.

So he walks, he talks, he smiles and he laughs,
With her beside him it's all real this time.

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