Chapter 4: Lumiose City

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Ash, Serena, Clemont and Bonnie made their way out of the Pokemon Centre and were heading to Lumiose City. They had been walking for an hour now and Bonnie was starting to get grumpy.

"Are we there yet?" She groaned.

"Almost" Said Ash with a sigh.

"My feet hurt. Can we stop now? I am really tired" Bonnie begged as she slowed down.

"No Bonnie. We are almost there. Here" Clemont said pulling out a pokeball. "Go Luxray!" Clemont yelled throwing the pokeball.

"LUXRAY!" Luxray shouted as he emerged from the pokeball.

"Bonnie, you can get on Luxray and he will walk you to Lumiose City" Clemont said.

"No thanks" Bonnie said with a smirk and decided to sit down right then and there.

Everyone moaned apart from Serena who ran off ahead.

"Serena where are you going?" Ash asked.

"To Lumiose City! I can see Prism Tower! Come on!" Serena shouted and pointed to Prism Tower. The others leapt to their feet and started running quickly towards the tower. Well, apart from Clemont who had to return Luxray and was no good at running. They reached the outskirts of Lumiose City and stopped to catch their breath.

"I can see the Gym! Come on you guys!" Bonnie shouted as she raced off again. Ash quickly followed, then Serena, then of course, Clemont, again. They reached the base of Prism Tower and Bonnie quickly ran inside followed by everyone else. When they got inside Clembot greeted them.

"Welcome back Master Clemont, and Ash, Serena, Bonnie." Clembot said warmly. Clemont walked straight past him and to his room. Ash hurried after him with Bonnie close behind. Clembot looked upset so Serena ran up to him and stood in front of Clembot, gave him a warm smile and said "Don't worry about him. He is just, I dunno, very busy. I find you very nice." *THUMP*

"That sounded like it came from Clemont's room!" Serena gasped. She ran towards Clemont's room with Clembot behind her. Serena bolted into Clemont's room to find that, one of Clemont's inventions was malfunctioning and everyone was trying to stop it. *THWACK* Clemont went flying across the room.

"CLEMONT!" Serena shouted as she ran towards him. She knelt down beside him. Just then Ash and Bonnie were able to shut the invention down. Serena looked at Ash and Bonnie, and they looked at Serena. They looked at her hand on Clemont's chest then at each other then back at Serena.

"I'm going to go check on the power grid, ok?" Ash said as he ran out the door.

"And I need to...I need to...hmm. Aha! I need to go feed Dedenne and Pikachu! Bye" Bonnie ran out the door.

"What was that all about?" Clemont said.

"Clemont! You are alright! Are you sure you're ok?" Serena said looking into his blue eyes.

"Yeah. Except... Can you stop leaning so hard on my chest" Clemont said with a dorky smile. Serena looked down at her hand and gasped.

"Oh I am so sorry Clemont!" Serena quickly took away her hand.

"That's ok Serena. But where are my glasses?" Clemont asked. They started looking all over the floor.

"Found them!" Serena said aloud. She carefully picked up the glasses and knelt down beside Clemont again.

"Ok, can I have them now please?" Clemont said nicely, holding out his hand.

"Nope! I am going to put them on myself." Serena stated as she lent forwards to put on Clemont's glasses. She put them on and lent backwards.

"Thanks" Clemont said.

"Any time!" Serena smiled and offered to help him up. Clemont took her hand as she pulled him up. They stared at each other then Clemont said

"I um. I think you, Bonnie and Ash should get going to the Pokemon centre cause it is getting late." Clemont said letting go of Serena's hand.

"Ok see you tomorrow Clemont!" Serena said as she turned to go. She reached the door, looked back at Clemont then ran up to him and gave him a big hug. Clemont stood there, stunned. Serena ran out of the room. She walked to the middle of the battlefield and called

"Ash! Bonnie! We have to get going now." Ash and Bonnie gathered their belongings and ran over to Serena. They walked out of the gym and to the Pokemon Centre. They slipped into their pyjamas and went to bed. Except for Ash. Ash got up and went over to the call box. Ash called the girl.

"Hey Ash! What's up?" she asked.

"I dunno, maybe I just wanted to tell you how excited I am to seeing you tomorrow!" Ash said excitedly.

"Well I am pretty tired Ash. I am just about to board my plane so see you tomorrow! Have you told your friends yet?" she said gleefully.

"No but, ok bye! Love you!" Ash said.

"Love you too Ash" she said smiling. Ash turned off the screen, yawned, climbed into bed and fell asleep. 

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