Chapter 16: Clemont Catastrophe

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"CLEMONT!" Bonnie screamed. Clemont stirred. 

"Bonnie, Clemont is trying to sleep!" Serena argued. They kept arguing but their voices got softer as they went into another room. Clemont rolled over. He rolled over off the bed and onto the floor. 

"Ow!" he moaned. Clemont laid on his back, on the floor, with his eyes closed. He let out a sigh. It was quiet and peaceful in his room. 

"Boo" a voice said. Clemont opened his eyes. 

"Gah! Serena? What are you doing in here?" Clemont said, startled. Serena was hanging off the edge of his bed, her face over his, about twenty centimeters apart. Her honey blonde hair hung down, almost touching Clemont's face. It acted like a tunnel. Clemont only saw Serena's big, blue eyes and Serena only saw Clemont's round, blue eyes. They stared into each other's eyes, catching a glimpse of their struggles. It seemed like time had frozen. 

"MORNING!" Bonnie shouted as she jumped onto Clemont's bed, knocking Serena off balance. Serena bounced up slightly before falling off the bed and onto Clemont. 

"AAHHH!" they shouted in unison. They both tried to sort the situation out at the same time but it just turned into a disaster. They rolled one way, then the other, then somehow Clemont ended up on Serena. In the end they both just sat up. Serena faced the window and was leaning on Clemont, who was facing the bed. They were leaning back to back. Bonnie laid down on her stomach, on the edge of the bed and placed her palms on her cheeks, with her elbows on the bed and she was kicking her legs like she was swimming but in slow motion. 

"So..." Bonnie said cheerfully as she flashed Clemont a grin. Clemont had a flustered look on his face. 

"Bonnie what are you doing in here?" Clemont said slightly agitated. 

"Well, you see, I wanted to wake you up but Serena insisted on waking you up instead" Bonnie said calmly but smugly. Serena blushed for a second. Clemont bent forwards and stared down at the ground blushing profusely. Bonnie just giggled. 

"Changing the subject" Serena said as she stood up and spun around to face everyone. Clemont still looked down at the floor. 

"I suggest that we hurry and sign up for the swim suit contest before a massive crowd hits" Serena said boldly with a huge smile on her face. 

"Yay! I think that's a great idea Serena!" Bonnie said excitedly hopping up and bounding over to Serena. Bonnie was jumping from one foot to another like she was standing on hot coals. Serena changed her glance over to Clemont who was still hunched over. 

"Okay! I'm going to get changed for the contest!" Bonnie shouted excitedly before running out of the room shutting the door behind her. Serena walked over to Clemont and crouched down beside him. 

"Hey" she said softly putting a hand on Clemont's shoulder. Clemont abruptly sat up. Serena fell backwards in surprise. She sat up. Serena glanced over at Clemont who had been staring at her but he quickly turned his head away. 

"I need to get changed for the contest now" Clemont gushed, standing up and grabbing Serena's hands. He pulled her up and dropped her hands quickly before pushing her out the door and closing it. Serena stood outside his door in shock. She just blinked before flicking her honey blonde hair and walking into her room and shutting the door. 

Meanwhile with Ash and Misty...

"Are you ready to go yet Misty? We are going to be late!" Ash called from the kitchen. He was just finishing packing their sandwiches, ice coffees, sunscreen, towels, pokeballs and some money. Misty's door opened and she bounded out. She ran over to Ash and jumped into his arms making him topple over. 

If Only - A shipping story (Book 1)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon