Chapter 13: Dressing Disaster

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Ash stepped out of his room wearing some black shorts, white tank top, a hawaiian style, royal blue, button up shirt with light blue flower patterns on it. But being Ash, all of the buttons were undone revealing his white tank top underneath. He put on his black sandals and sat down on an armchair.

"Come on Misty! We don't want to be late!" Ash called. Misty's door opened and she stepped out. She was wearing a sleeveless dress which went down to her mid-thigh. It started white at the top then faded into a royal blue at the bottom. Her hair was tied in a loose plait off to one side and rested on her shoulder. She wore white stilettos and carried a light blue hand bag.

"What do you think Ash?" Misty said doing a twirl.

"I think you look gorgeous!" he said as he gave her a kiss. On the lips. Misty smiled and grabbed Ash's hand and held it as they walked out the door.

Meanwhile with Clemont, Bonnie and Serena...

Clemont opened his door and stepped into the lounge area. He was wearing light blue shorts, a white tank top, a light blue hawaiian style button up shirt with no buttons done up, it had a pattern of dark blue flowers on it and he was wearing black sandals. Clemont stood and waited for Serena and Bonnie to finish. Serena's door opened and she stepped out. Serena was wearing a strapless dress, it went down to her mid-thigh, it started as white and faded into a hot pink, it had sparkles all over it. She was wearing white stilettos and she carried a light pink, sparkly purse. Clemont just stood there with his mouth open, again. Serena walked over to Clemont.

"What do you think Clemont?" Serena asked as she did a twirl which made her dress lift up slightly.

"Uh, um, uh, um" Clemont's mouth just kept opening and shutting as he was trying to find an answer. "Beautiful" he finally sighed. Serena blushed and smiled warmly. Clemont just swayed and feinted.

"CLEMONT!" Serena cried as she caught him. She laid him down gently, his head was resting on her lap. All of a sudden Bonnie's door swung open and she scrambled out to see what was going on. She scurried over the couch and saw Clemont, unconscious, on Serena's lap and Serena looking worried.

"Uuh, let me go finished getting dressed" Bonnie said quietly as she hurried back into her room. Serena stared at Clemont. Then, Clemont's eyes fluttered open and gazed into a pair of royal blue eyes. Serena gazed into his light blue eyes. Then as if hit by lightning Clemont's eyes widened and his face started to turn red. Serena giggled and sat up. Clemont sat up straight, the blushing consuming him now.

"Um hi" Clemont said facing Serena, still blushing.

"Hi Clemont" Serena said leaning forwards. Clemont shut his eyes and he started blushing profusely.

"Wait, Clemont. Where are your glasses?" Serena said leaning back. Clemont opened his eyes and breathed a sigh of relief. He stopped blushing and started looking around as well as Serena, who had also started looking. They crawled around looking for the pair of glasses. What they didn't know was that Bonnie has sneakily taken them when she ran off.

"They're not anywhere" Clemont groaned.

"Well where could they be?" Serena asked standing up.

"I don't know cause I still can't kind of see. Anyway, has Bonnie finished yet?" Clemont asked sitting down in a heap. Serena paused.

"Oh my gosh! She didn't!" Serena yelled. Clemont looked confused.

"Who did, what?" Clemont questioned. Serena sat down next to Clemont.

"Bonnie took your glasses when I was nursing you in my lap and ran off into her room." Serena said irritated.

"But why?" Clemont asked. Serena blushed then looked into Clemont's eyes.

"She was wanting us to get closer and closer until..." Serena's voice trailed off. She looked away. "Until we got very close that we made contact. If you know what I mean" Serena said standing up.

"I can't believe that Bonnie would do something like that" Clemont said quietly. Clemont tried to stand up by clambering onto something. He pulled himself up and clung onto the thing, with his eyes closed, thinking.

"Uh Clemont" Serena asked sweetly.

"Yeah" Clemont responded.

"Can you let go. Of me please" Serena said smiling. Clemont froze and opened his eyes. He wish he didn't though. Clemont had pulled Serena's dress down a little to show the top of her breasts, then he had clung onto her dress and buried his face into them. Serena explained that and Clemont instantly let go of her dress and flopped down onto the couch. He buried his face in his hands in embarrassment. Serena adjusted her dress to keep a tiny bit of the top of her breasts showing and sat down next to Clemont to comfort him.

"Oh my gosh Serena I am so sorry!" Clemont said not moving.

"Clemont, that's ok. Sometimes these things happen. But for some strange reason, it has been happening more frequently as soon as Misty showed up" Serena said softly putting a hand on Clemont's shoulder which only made him blush more but not that Serena could see. They didn't know that Bonnie had been spying on them from the kitchen and she had seen the entire thing. Bonnie was plotting something.

"Hey lovebirds! Come on we are going to be late!" Bonnie called from the kitchen scaring the life out of Serena and Clemont. They leapt to their feet and hurried over to the kitchen. Well at least Serena did. Clemont stumbled carefully over.

"Bonnie what were you doing here?!" Clemont shouted.

"Geez. I was just trying to help you two move along. Anyway here are your glasses" Bonnie said quietly holding out Clemont's glasses.

"What did you say?" Serena asked quickly taking Clemont's glasses out of her hand. Serena walked over to Clemont and placed the glasses on Clemont's face. Clemont instantly could see again and the first thing he saw were Serena's eyes.

"Let's get going or we are going to be late" Serena said as she gather up her things and opened the door. Bonnie and Clemont followed. Serena shut the door behind them as they headed off to dinner.

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