Chapter 5: Surprise Trip

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Ash, Serena and Bonnie woke up, got ready and ran over to the gym and knocked on the door. Clembot greeted them. They met Clemont in the middle of the battlefield.

"So what are we going to do today?" Bonnie asked rocking back and forth on her toes.

"Apparently Ash has something planned" Clemont said, looking at Ash. Everyone looked at Ash.

"I thought it might be fun if we went to the airport, because watching all the planes is fun!" Ash said confidently. Everyone looked confused and suspicious then,

"Yay! I love planes! Let's go!" Bonnie shouted at she headed for the door. Clemont and Serena shrugged and headed for the door. Ash followed. What if they don't like her or what will be their reaction when I tell them 'the news'? Ash was pondering. He was pondering so much that he walked straight into a pole. Serena, Clemont and Bonnie swung around.

"Ow" Ash moaned as he slid down the pole. After a moment he leapt up and marched towards the bus. They all hopped on and rode the bus to the airport. When they reached the airport, Bonnie hurried off the bus sending Clemont scrambling after her. Serena and Ash followed. They walked inside.

"Wow! It's so big!" Bonnie shouted.

"I know. So how about we head" Ash said before thinking really hard about something. "I know, how about we head to gate seventeen!" Ash shouted and marched off towards the customs. Everyone shrugged and followed. After they cleared customs, they headed towards gate seventeen. Clemont and Serena sat down in the lounge area and watched Bonnie, who was sitting at the window.

"Why are there no planes?" She grumped. They looked at Ash.

"They haven't landed yet, of course" Ash said looking out the window. Serena looked at Ash. I think he looks nervous. Nervous about what though? Think Serena think! Serena sat there thinking. Clemont was staring at Serena thinking about the day before. Why would she race over to me and not Ash? Why did she hug me? Maybe it's cause she realized that I... Suddenly,

"ATTENTION! FLIGHT A3254 IS NOW LANDING AT GATE SEVENTEEN. ARRIVING FROM KANTO ARRIVING IN KALOS" the speaker said. Serena, Clemont and Bonnie looked at Ash suspiciously then a plane came into sight.

"Look guys! It's a plane! And it's landing here!" Bonnie shouted. Serena and Clemont looked at Ash who was staring at the plane. Again, the speaker sounded


Ash hurried over to where the passengers were arriving. Clemont, Serena and Bonnie had now gotten up and were looking at Ash, who wasn't paying attention to them or the plane.

"For some reason I don't think we came just to 'see the planes'" Bonnie said still looking at Ash.

"I think you're right" Clemont agreed. Serena nodded. Ash was looking worried for some reason.

"Ash are you ok?" Serena asked.

"Yeah..." He said looking at all of the passengers who had arrived. Then Ash spotted someone. Ash ran off to speak to them. Clemont, Serena and Bonnie couldn't see who yet. Then Ash emerged with a girl. Not just any girl. But the one Serena saw that day, the one Ash was talking to on the call box. The girl stepped forwards.

"Hi I'm Misty Waterflower! I'm Ash's girlfriend!" She said with a smile. Clemont, Serena and Bonnie's mouths hung open. She had bright orange hair, green eyes, she was wearing dark green shorts, a yellow midriff, red suspenders and high-cut sneakers. Misty linked her arm in Ash's. Serena walked over to the window.

"Um, hello. Nice to meet you Misty. My name's Clemont, and I am the Lumiose Gym leader." Clemont said bowing slightly.

"And my name's Bonnie! And this is Dedenne and squishy!" Bonnie said nicely pointing to Dedenne who was sitting on her head and then to squishy who was asleep in her bag.

"I think we have to go pick up my luggage! Come on Ash!" Misty said sweetly as they skipped off. Ash turned his head and shouted,

"We are going to pick up Misty's bags! Uh...See you down there!"

Bonnie started to run after them.

"Bonnie wait up!" Clemont shouted and turned to chase after her when he noticed Serena just staring off into space. Then Serena swayed backwards then feinted.

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