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I walk to my car in the pitch black night I try to hurry up because I feel someone's presence I drop my keys "Shit." I whisper "Caitlyn I see you."i hear a voice I begin to cry as I search or my keys.Then I feel a sharp pain in the back of my head and I black out. I wake up to a bucket of water in my face I immediately gasp for air "Wake up Caitlyn a mans voice says roughly I look up. "W-who are you?"i say with tears flowing my hair is in my face and I'm looking down I flip my hair like off the little mermaid and look at the man he's actually very cute shaved head very tempting lips green brown eyes great muscular tone deep voice he was about 6'3 6'4 but there was only one problem he KIDNAPPED ME! "what do you want?!"i yell he picks up the chair the one I'm sitting in and at the moment we're face to face he's breathing is heavy then he puts me down "I want you I have to have you your just so beautiful" he touches my cheek I jerk back "But if you disobey or try to escape you will be punished or killed."he adds on I gasp he unties me "Now I'm uniting you we're going out of country for a while." he says handing me a passport I look at it the Bahamas why the "Bahamas?" ask "I don't know some where romantic.

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