Chapter 15

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•Caitlyn P.O.V•

There's a knock at the door I look through the peep hole I smirk seeing the cab driver and Khail I open the door they immediately grab me I step on Khails foot and elbow him in the throat I jump on the cab driver and I continually punch him until his feet stop kicking Khail picks me up I kick and scream I use my body weight and lean back on him he falls I roll over and get up real fast I run inside the house Khail trips me I kick him in the face and grab my sword he runs in my room eyebrow bleeding and a black eye and blood everywhere "please don't make me do this." he says starring into my eyes i had two swords one falls I stare at it he freezes he hurries and picks it up now we're acting like a pack of coyotes circling around each other i charge at him we start hitting swords it hurts my hands but I still continue he goes to stab me in the stomach I move back I kick him in the stomach and go to cut his head off he ducks and lunges his self towards me I roll over I cut his leg "Aaaaa!" He says falling a little he gets up we continue fighting he cuts my shoulder "Owe." I touch my wound I get so angry I jump and stab Khail in the chest I kick him down I slit his throat he falls down laying on his back his body is twitching "It's time to return what was stolen." I stabb him in the stomach digging my sword into his back into floor I stomp on his chest yanking the sword out Now it's time to steal my life back.

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