Chapter 11

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•Caitlyn's P.O.V• I made it too California I get a cab to my aunts I get there and I bang on the door my aunt Andrea opens the door "CAITLYN WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!"she screams and cries hugging me "I was kidnapped" I say shedding a tear "Oh honey come in come in."she says with a smile I walk in all dirty and stuff "Can I go take a shower?"i ask pointing to the bathroom "Sure honey." she nods I walk into the bathroom i turn the shower on and "here are some clothes and under ware I haven't worn yet." Aunty slides under the door "Thanks." I say getting the shower I let that nice water hit my dirty skin I feel my muscles relaxing and my cuts sting but it feels so good I wash my body and my hair all of a sudden memories come rushing back I fall and cry thinking about my life I hear a beeping sound I look at my arm there's a light blinking "Tracking device." I whisper too my self I jump out the shower and I snatch the towel and swing the door open "Aunty!" I yell "What baby?" she runs too me I need you to get some tape gauss and life and some alcohol and some tissues "Ummm ok." she says running all over the place "here." she hands me everything I grab the tissue and alcohol and rub the alcohol that's on the tissue on my skin it's soo cold "What are you doing?" she ask "Get me a towel." I say rubbing cold alcah on my skin "she hands me a towel I shove the towel in my mouth I grab the knife and dig it into my wrist I Scream and wince in pain "what the hell are you doing!?" she yells. I put the knife down and I pull the tracking device out I nearly faint I wrap the gauss around and tape it I take 4 Advil and I pull myself together I get dressed and I take the tracker I go to the beach and I get on a the fairy in the middle of the ocean I throw the tracking Device and I go back to my aunts and sleep there for the night 'Finally Safe'

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