The Billboards pt.2 the after party

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Tiffany's P.O.V

After the show Justin signed some autographs and we went to get ready for the after party that Justin was hosting at our house. It was at 10 and it was 9 when we left so we got home around 9:30ish." Linda are all the snacks and stuff ready?""yes and I got the playlist.""you are awesome." Linda was Justin's maid/ guardian. His mom got her to live with Justin to make sure he gets to work on time and stuff like that. So she was really his mom but he could tell her what to do and how to do it.

"Babe go change into your after party outfit.""why is something wrong with this outfit?""no I just wanted to make sure everything is perfect.

~doorbell rings~

"There here!!". Suddenly a rush of people came rushing into our home. Next thing I knew music was blasting and everything was crazy. I couldn't even hang out with Justin, at first I was right by his side then there was a crowd of people in-between us. Finally I couldn't take it any more"JUSTIN,JUSTIN",it was no use my voiced was drowned out by the music so I would text him and tell him where I was because I was leaving and I knew how overly protective he was. I tried get to our room to change but the staircase was blocked so I just left.

The streets were so empty, probably because everybody was at my boyfriend's party. I didn't want to be bored so I walked to Mochi. Justin and I loved going there usually after he won something. It bummed me a little thinking about. I mean at your party you don't even keep up with your girlfriend at your house, but if she is not where you want or think she is you send the police looking for her. Then again we had a big house.

Once I got to Mochi it started raining so I made it just in time. I text Justin and went inside and I saw something I would hope not to see tonight. One direction. Wow,they were a lot hotter in person. Louis i think he was looked at me and smiled and told his friends. "Well hello Mrs.bieber." He said still smiling,he was really cute." No not yet."aww,well where is Justin I saw him at the show.""he's at his party speaking of why aren't you guys there" Everybody famous person was there,why wasn't the biggest boy band on the planet there?"we don't umm don't get along with Justin.""oh well I am SO SORRY about the award show thing if you heard.""oh I think everyone heard.""yeah sorry" it's ok why don't you get you Mochi and come it with us." That was Harry I think"ok".

I got fruit punch which was Justin and I's favorite."so why aren't you at Justin's party he likes you right.""yeah but there so many people I lost him and I was cramped and about to go deaf so I left.""smart""how dare he abandon his girlfriend that is so rude""yeah well we have a big house Liam and it is to get lost.""well still""yeah then if I'm not right back by his side he will send out a search party""are you serious""yeah he's done it before twice once I was actually lost but the second time I just lost track of time.". We talked for a really long time exchanged contacts then I heard a sound I knew all to well. Police sirens suddenly filled our ear. "No he didn't""wow he actually did it"" I told you he would guys I got to go so you won't be questioned""ok bye call anytime""ok bye. I went outside and got in the police car and was taken home he was in SO much trouble.

Once I got home surprisingly it was not trashed the only thing I saw was Justin looking mad and worried."WHAT IS WORNG WITH YOU DON'T YOU GET TEXT" I screamed at him furious""DON'T YOU!I TEXT YOU AN HOUR AGO WITH NO ANSWER AND YOU REMEMBER LAST TIME I TEXT YOU AFTER 12:00 AND GOT NO ANSWER YOU WERE ABOUT TO GET KIDNAPPED SO EXCUSE ME FOR BEING WORRIED!!""Justin next time can you call me first instead of calling the police you have to trust I can fend for my self.""Tiffany you know why I worry about you so much" he said pulling me into a hug."Babe,if I called you,and you didn't answer you know what would be the first thing I would think. I love you so much I can't loose you, i'd go insane.""ok Justin let's go to bed it's late.""ok". I admit he can be rude and self conceived but he means well and I will always love him.


Having a blast writing the story I will try to post at least 2 chapters a week just to get the story off the ground but I broke my I pod so I either have to use my grandma's iPad or phone and on weekends I can post with my computer but I will get my iPod soon and then post 3 chapters. Also writing open my window so just please try to understand. You should read it it is a ziall fanfic so.

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