Explaing how we felt

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Justin:wow babe I'm sorry you felt that way why didn't you just tell me I would listen

Tiffany:well you just so busy I thought it could wait

Justin:Tiffany you are the most important thing to me if anything happened to you I would go insane I know I say it just about every day but it's cause it's true if you need to get your feelings off your chest just know I will always be there for you busy or not

I knew he meant it cause one he never called me by my name and two when he was done he looked like he was about to cry with anger and frustration. I guess I never took his feelings into account when I was holding it all in.

Tiffany:ok Justin and I'm sorry I was holding it away from you I can see it made you upset

Justin:it's not that it made me upset that's not why I'm sad I'm sad cause all my life I pushed people away when I heard you in that burning house I knew for once I couldn't abandon someone else. As you were in the ambulance I knew I couldn't push you or anyone else away and from you just said it looked as of I failed myself

Now he was crying I didn't know he felt this way

Tiffany: Justin you haven't failed anyone you got busy I knew you meant well and I know you tried hard to keep that oath and you have don't ever think you have failed me cause you are perfect to me

Justin:thanks babe

Tiffany:looks like both just needed to talk to each other


Tiffany:promise me that when we get back from tour every night no matter what we do that day we will tell each other how we feel


We held hands the rest of way there. Like I always say he means well just sometimes doesn't know how to say it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2014 ⏰

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