Talking to eachother

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Justin's P.O.V

On our way in the car I thought about my plan for tomorrow. I really wanted Tiffany to be happy but I think I hurt her feelings when I said she couldn't explore Japan.

I mean I just want everything to be perfect. I love her so much and I would do anything for her. I hate to see her sad though,maybe I could push the proposal back. Tiffany has been acting weird every since the CD signing.

Did I do something wrong.

Justin:hey I know something wrong what is it and I know it is not your shoes.

Tiffany's P.O.V

I was really still mad a Justin but I was really just holding my feelings in. I had a diary but it got lost in the fire. Ever since then Justin and I talked about our feelings but,lately he had been so busy we never got the chance.

Justin:hey I know something wrong what is it and I know it is not your shoes.

I was just going say nothing like I always do but I needed to get all of this off my chest.

Tiffany:how long until we get there

Justin:About an hour why

Tiffany:you remember how we always used to talk about our feelings to each other before bed

Justin:yeah and then I got so busy I guess I forgot

Tiffany:well I have some stuff I need to talk about,that I've been holding in but now need to release

Justin:of course you can always talk to me baby I'm sorry I made you think you couldn't.

Tiffany:ok thanks Justie

I told about the death threats about how he was overprotective and stuff like that.

Afterward I took a deep breathe and waited for his answer.

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